Municipal Town Council definition
Examples of Municipal Town Council in a sentence
Offers received will be opened internally by the Municipal Town Council of Beau Bassin Rose Hill and bidders may attend.
The Municipal Town Council of Beau Bassin Rose Hill reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal or to cancel this exercise and reject all proposals at any time prior to contract award.
Much of the program implementation takes place simultaneously at the level of Municipal/ Town Council local Governments.
The Registrar shall, not later than 15 working days after the end of the ensuing month, remit the fees or surcharge collected pursuant to sections 3, 4 and 5 to the Municipal City Council, appropriate Municipal Town Council or District Council, as the case may be.
Every Senior Public Officer in the grade of, or drawing salary at the level of DPS and aboveMake a fresh declaration with ICAC : at every interval of 5 years following the date of the first declaration within a period of 30 days after leaving officeEvery Chief Executive Officer of Municipal City Council, Municipal Town Council or District Council and every officer of such councils drawing salary at the level of DPS and above.
Monitor Program Performance and ensure value for money in all investments.Review AWP&B from Municipal/ Town Councils, consolidate and present to the IPC for approval and eventual submission to the ADF and BADEA.Maintain the project records and accounts and submit withdrawal applications to the MoFPED.Consolidate the Municipal/ Town Council progress reports and submit six monthly and annual reports to BADEA and ADF.Administrative coordination of periodical supervision missions and mid-term review.
Where a person carries out a classified trade within the administrative area of a Municipal City Council, Municipal Town Council or District Council, he shall pay such fee as may be prescribed to that Council through the Registrar of Businesses, electronically or in such other manner as the Registrar may determine.
Proposals should be sealed in a single envelope, clearly showing the Reference No. ‘EOI 01- 2021/2022’ and addressed to the Ag Chief Executive, Municipal Town Council of Beau Bassin., Royal Road, Rose Hill.
Every person carrying on a classified trade shall display, in a conspicuous place at each of his business premises, the receipt acknowledging payment of the fee or where the classified trade is exempted, the business registration card or, in specific circumstances, the exemption certificate issued by the Municipal City Council, Municipal Town Council or District Council.
Proposals should be sealed in a single envelope, clearly marked ‘Displaying advertisement on the outdoor electronic display board situated at the Plaza Yard, Rose Hill’ and addressed to the Chief Executive, Municipal Town Council of Beau Bassin., Royal Road, Rose Hill.