Name Collision Occurrence Management 6.1. No-‐Activation Period. Registry Operator shall not activate any names in the DNS zone for the Registry TLD (except for "NIC") until at least 120 calendar days after the effective date of this agreement. Registry Operator may allocate names (subject to subsection 6.2 below) during this period only if Registry Operator causes registrants to be clearly informed of the inability to activate names until the No-‐Activation Period ends.
Name Collision Report Handling 6.3.1 During the first two years after delegation of the TLD, Registry Operator’s emergency operations department shall be available to receive reports, relayed by ICANN, alleging demonstrably severe harm from collisions with overlapping use of the names outside of the authoritative DNS. 6.3.2 Registry Operator shall develop an internal process for handling in an expedited manner reports received pursuant to subsection 6.3.1 under which Registry Operator may, to the extent necessary and appropriate, remove a recently activated name from the TLD zone for a period of up to two years in order to allow the affected party to make changes to its systems.