Mitigation Measures Sample Clauses
Mitigation Measures. Company shall take commercially reasonable measures (except measures causing it to incur out-of-pocket expenses which BNYM does not agree in advance to reimburse) to mitigate losses or potential losses to BNYM, including taking verification, validation and reconciliation measures that are commercially reasonable or standard practice in the Company’s business.
Mitigation Measures. 1.1. Contractor shall comply with all applicable mitigation measures, if any, adopted by any public agency with respect to this Project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. (See Public Resources Code section 21000 et seq.)
Mitigation Measures. Each party shall take commercially reasonable measures (except measures causing it to incur out-of-pocket expenses which the other party does not agree in advance to reimburse) to mitigate losses or potential losses, including taking verification, validation and reconciliation measures that are commercially reasonable or standard practice.
Mitigation Measures. Tenant has been informed by Landlord that the Project (along with other property) is subject to the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Mission Bay South Plan Area (including, but not limited to, the Mission Bay South CEQA Mitigation Measures described in Attachment L to the Mission Bay South Owner Participation Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and CDC dated November 16, 1998, and recorded in the Official Records on December 3, 1998, as Document No. 98-G477258). Tenant shall comply with the following mitigation measures (and with any other mitigation measures that Landlord reasonably determines are applicable to Tenant’s operations in the Premises):
Mitigation Measures. The mitigation measures applicable to the Project developed as part of the EIR process and adopted as part of the Project Approvals, and reflected in the MMRP, and to be implemented as provided in the MMRP.
Mitigation Measures. Without limiting the generality of Paragraph 29.1 above, Buyer acknowledges that Buyer received and reviewed, before the Termination Deadline, the applicable mitigation measures of the South OPA, which are set forth in Attachment L to the South OPA. Buyer also acknowledges that Buyer will be responsible following the Close of Escrow for complying with and doing all things necessary to perform the obligations of Owner (as therein defined) pertaining to the Land.
Mitigation Measures. During construction, operation, decommissioning, and site restoration of this Project, the Certificate Holder shall implement the mitigation measures set forth in this Agreement, including, but not limited to, those presented in the Revised Application and those identified in the Final SEPA Environmental Checklist as commitments made by the Certificate Holder. Mitigation measures relevant to all five Project Sites are set forth below, while site-specific mitigation measures for the Typha Solar Project are presented in Attachment 1. No later than sixty (60) days prior to the beginning of Site Preparation, the Certificate Holder shall file with EFSEC a comprehensive list of these mitigation measures. For each of these mitigation measures, the Certificate Holder shall in the same filing further identify the Construction Plan and/or Operation Plan addressing the methodology for its achievement. The specific plans and submittals listed in the remainder of this Article IV, and Articles V, VI, VII, and VIII, shall incorporate these mitigation measures as applicable.
Mitigation Measures. The Parties agree that the Impact Payments are made in lieu of all taxes and other assessments for the Subject Property otherwise due to the City and/or the City’s departments, boards or commissions including, but not limited to, its police and fire departments. In conjunction with the measures set forth herein, the Impact Payments constitute the Tribe’s mitigation efforts and are in full and complete satisfaction of all Impacts for the Subject Property whether or not identified in this Agreement.
Mitigation Measures. “2022 SEIR Mitigation Measures” means the Mitigation Measures set forth in the 2022 SEIR and attached hereto as Exhibit F.
Mitigation Measures. The Oversight Committee shall develop and implement additional mitigation measures necessary to address the issues regarding SMC employees, contractors, and subcontractors with residences in the Boulder River valley south of Big Timber. The Oversight Committee shall develop and SMC shall implement these mitigation measures within 90 days of the effective date of this Agreement. The Oversight Committee shall review this issue periodically to address any material changes in circumstances.