Examples of Name of Representative in a sentence
Given by (Name of Company) of (registered address of Company) a company incorporated with limited liability according to the Company Laws of the Republic of South Africa (hereinafter called the Contractor), represented herein by (Name of Representative) in his capacity as (Designation) of the Contractor, is duly authorised hereto by a resolution dated /20 , to sign on behalf of the Contractor.
Statement of Single Largest Completed Contract Similar to the Contract to be Bid Name of Company Signature over Printed Name of Representative Date The statement shall be supported by the following documents: 1.
Contractor: Company Name Name of Representative (Print) Signature of RepresentativeHouse Bill 1295As of January 1, 2016, a new state policy was implemented that affects all proposals which are awarded by our Board of Trustees.
Given by (Name of Company) of (registered address of Company) a company incorporated with limited liability according to the Company Laws of the Republic of South Africa (hereinafter called the Contractor), represented herein by (Name of Representative) in his capacity as (Designation) of the Contractor, is duly authorized hereto by a resolution dated /20 , to sign on behalf of the Contractor.
One boat slip for each dwelling unit, plus an additional number of boat slips if the additional slips are open to the public and the use of the additional slips is limited to the transient dock- ing of boats for less than 24 hours.(b) If the riparian owner or owners of a property described in par.
Very truly yours, Name of Representative of the Bidder Name of the BidderBatangas State University BatStateU-Goods Form No. 9Bidding Documents (Based on Revised IRR of RA 9184, Fourth Edition, December 2010)Bill of Quantities Name of Bidder .
Company Name: Printed Name of Representative: Date: Signature: Note: Failure to sign the bid form may result in the bid being rejected as non-responsive.
Name of Representative: Title: Street Address: City, State and Zip Code: Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: All instructions, modifications, and changes to the Contract shall be conveyed to the CONTRACTOR through the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE.
Contractor: Company Name Name of Representative (Print) Signature of RepresentativeHouse Bill 1295As of January 1, 2016, a new state policy was implemented that affects all proposals which are awarded by our board of Trustees.
Signature Over Printed Name of Representative Date CHECKED AND VERIFIED BY: SIGNATURE:ATTY.