Nasdaq Regulation definition
Examples of Nasdaq Regulation in a sentence
To the extent permitted by Nasdaq Regulation, and subject to Section 2.03(b), a number of Investor Designated Directors equal to one less than a majority of all directors serving on each committee shall be appointed to such committee.
Each proposal is described in more detail below.Chapter V, Section 3 The Exchange proposes to amend Chapter V, Section 3(b), which currently provides, “In the event Nasdaq Regulation determines to halt trading, all trading in the effected class or classes of options shall be halted.
Accordingly, “...Nasdaq [Stock Market] rules that refer to Nasdaq Regulation, Nasdaq Regulation staff, Nasdaq staff, and Nasdaq departments should be understood as also referring to FINRA staff, FINRA Regulation, Inc.
Nasdaq Regulation supervises and administers the Nasdaq Stock Market’s regulatory functions including the administration of regulatory services agreements with other SROs. Nasdaq Stock Market Rule 0120(j).
In so doing, Nasdaq Regulation will fulfill the Commission’s mandate that Nasdaq bear responsibility for self-regulatory conduct.14Nasdaq will continue to refer certain potentially violative conduct to FINRA for further review, including matters covered by agreements to allocate regulatory responsibility under Rule 17d-2 of the Act.
Nasdaq Rules that refer to Nasdaq Regulation, Nasdaq Regulation staff, Nasdaq staff, and Nasdaq departments should be understood as also referring to FINRA staff and FINRA departments acting on behalf of Nasdaq pursuant to the Regulatory Contract.
The term "Nasdaq Regulation" means the Department of Nasdaq that supervises and administers the regulatory functions of Nasdaq, including the administration of any regulatory services agreements with another self-regulatory organization to which Nasdaq is a party.
Penalty for Minor Rule ViolationsThe following NOM rule and policy violations may be determined by Nasdaq Regulation to be minor in nature.
Probably because of the difference in age and place of residence, the outcomes show two opposite extremes.
From and after the Initial Closing, upon the request of the Investor and to the extent permitted by applicable Law and Nasdaq Regulation, subject to Section 2.03(b), the Company and the Board shall take all actions necessary so that the Investor shall have the same proportional representation (rounded to the nearest whole number of directors, but in no event less than one) on each committee of the Board as it has on the Board.