Examples of National Anthem in a sentence
Show proper respect for opening ceremonies by standing at attention and remaining silent when the National Anthem is played.
The meeting was opened with the singing of the National Anthem followed by a Moment of Silence.
Zimbabwe has a National Flag, a National Anthem, a Coat of Arms and a Public Seal, which are set out in the First Schedule.
Examples: A person of high so- cial standing remained seated, mut- tered angrily, and rubbed the arms of his chair while the National Anthem was being played; an apparently nor- mal person suddenly disrobed in public; a man traded an expensive automobile for an antiquated automobile in poor mechanical condition and after regain- ing conscious control, discovered that he had signed an agreement to pay an additional sum of money in the trade.
Namibia shall have a National Coat of Arms, a National Anthem and a National Seal to be determined by Act of Parliament, which shall require a two-thirds majority of all the members of the National Assembly for adoption and amendment.
Inconsistencies between different texts of Constitution.FIRST SCHEDULE: National Flag, National Anthem, National Coat of Arms and Public Seal.SECOND SCHEDULE: Limitations on Rights During Public Emergencies.
Pep bands are allowable at a home contest if the school provides adult supervision and the band only plays during “dead ball” situations.• Spectators will cheer positively to support their team, will not cheer negatively against the opponent.• Spectators will show respect for the game officials and their decisions.• Spectators will show respect for the playing of the National Anthem.
When the cadet is outdoors in uniform and the National Anthem is played, the cadet will stand at attention, face the flag or music, and render the hand salute until the music stops.
Game Personnel / Announcers:• Will explain and consistently enforce host school expectations for spectators.• Will be enthusiastic but not show favoritism while making announcements, and never publicly question or criticize the players, coaches, or officials.• Will encourage respect for the National Anthem and remind spectators to remove caps and stand.
Everybody rose for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem.