Examples of National Board of Directors in a sentence
Each Council must and will be identified by a numerical figure issued when the Council is duly chartered by the LULAC National Board of Directors pursuant to the terms and conditions of this charter agreement and the requirements and procedures set forth in the LULAC Constitution and By-Laws.
SECTION 5: Restrictions: Unless authorized by the National Board of Directors, the LULAC members, life members, and distinguished members are not allowed to use Local, State, or National LULAC assets, any variation of the LULAC name of symbol, LULAC scholarship money or other LULAC property, either directly or implied, for personal monetary or material gain.
Unless authorized by the National Board of Directors, the LULAC members, life members, and distinguished members are not allowed to use Local, State, or National LULAC assets, any variation of the LULAC name of symbol, LULAC scholarship money or other LULAC property, either directly or implied, for personal monetary or material gain.
Each chapter member, through the member’s right to vote on chapter matters, has the right to vote on selecting the Chapter President who represents the chapter on the National Board of Directors.
The National Secretary conducted the roll call of the National Board of Directors.
This committee shall initiate and certify to the National Board for its approval and ratification the regular and supplemental compensation and benefits of all elected Executive Officers and members of the National Board of Directors.
Sixty days prior to the opening of the next regular session of the National Convention, the President & CEO shall appoint the members of a Nominating Committee, subject to approval by a majority vote of the National Board of Directors, who shall recommend a slate of National Convention Officers for approval by the National Convention Representatives.
Jurisdictional Convention Officers and their duties are described in the Jurisdictional Bylaws, which are attached to this Constitution and Laws and which may be modified by the National Convention or the National Board of Directors.
The National Convention Officers shall be the same persons as comprise the National Board of Directors of WoodmenLife.
In addition to this provision, all National Convention Officers or the National Board of Directors when the National Convention is not in session may be removed as outlined in Article 2, Section 7 of this Constitution and Laws.