Examples of National Executive Board in a sentence
When an employee, on a compulsory transfer only, is involved in financial loss when selling a home, he/she should present proof of this loss to the Employer and the matter of compensation will be considered by the National Executive Board.
Matters normally handled by joint labour management meetings will not be raised at National Executive Board meetings.
Employee representatives shall be excluded from National Executive Board meetings when items of a labour relations nature are being discussed.
The rules of confidentiality for the National Executive Board shall be respected by the employee representatives.
The role of the employee representatives shall be to assist the National Executive Board members in determining policies and making decisions, and in so doing they will be allowed voice but no vote.
The program and procedures, once approved by the National Executive Board and the Unions, shall be fully supported by the parties.
The President of CSU, or a designate from the CSU Table Officers, shall be invited to attend the quarterly meetings of the National Executive Board.
It is agreed that the Committee will develop its recommendations and such shall be submitted to the Union Executive and the National Executive Board of the Employer for implementation.
Copies of all changes in policies or rules and regulations adopted by the National Executive Board, which affect the members of the Union, are to be forwarded to the Union.
The President or designate of COPE Local 491 shall be invited to attend the quarterly meetings of the National Executive Board.