Examples of National Greenhouse Gas Inventory in a sentence
The figure is to be derived from relevant data in the then latest National Greenhouse Gas Inventory published by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (a Commonwealth Government department) and other relevant documents so as to reflect average greenhouse gas intensity of electricity sold in Victoria (in the absence of which the previous year’s figure applies).
DISER (2020, May) National Greenhouse Gas Inventory: December 2019.
The Tier 1 analysis is implemented in the Agriculture and Land Use National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (ALU) software (Ogle et al.
Developing a National Greenhouse Gas Inventory System, Workbook EPA-430-K-11- 005, Template Workbook.
The average value is determined using data from the Australian National Greenhouse Gas Inventory.
Forest land will be defined in a coherent way with the requirements for National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Reporting under the UNFCCC.REDD+ monitoring within the Cambodia National Forest InventoryDevelopment of a National Forest Inventory is mandated under the National Forest Programme (NFP), Implementation Programme 2 (‗Forest Resource Management and Conservation Programme‘).
Barson, M, Lloyd, J and Farquhar, GD (1995) Land use changes: a surprise in the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory.
Guidance documents such as the UNDP Managing the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Process7 and the United States-Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) Template Workbook8 are useful for this purpose.Subsequently, the relationship between lead institution and data providers should be defined, and a legal decision, for instance, would facilitate the definition of this relationship.
The figure is to be derived from relevant data in the then latest National Greenhouse Gas Inventory published by the Department of Climate Change (a Commonwealth Government department) and other relevant documents so as to reflect average greenhouse gas intensity of electricity sold in Victoria (in the absence of which the previous year’s figure applies).
Proponents should justify their choice of the defined period.• National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Committee: A committee comprising representatives of the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments that oversees the development of greenhouse gas inventory methods and compilation of inventories for Australia.• Sequestration: Removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere by vegetation or technological measures.