National Main Street Center definition
Examples of National Main Street Center in a sentence
Ensure adequate organizational progress toward completion of all compliance standards and operating guidelines established by the National Main Street Center and the New Mexico MainStreet program to maintain status as a MainStreet America Accredited Program.
Job descriptions and scope of work are based on the requirements of the “Main Street Four- Point Approach®,” and benchmarks and performance measures as established by the Economic Development Department and the National Main Street Center, Inc.
The requirement of NMMS to provide resources, services and trainings as proscribed by Main Street America and National Main Street Center, Inc.
The requirement of NMMS to provide resources, services and trainings as proscribed by the National Main Street Center, Inc.
The evaluation will be done in accordance with the deadline requirements of the National Main Street Center.
Provide documentation to support the work of the organization as it relates to the Main Street Approach™, including information related to historic preservation as required by the National Main Street Center.
It is licensed and accredited annually by the National Main Street Center to deliver the trademarked revitalization program; the Main Street Four-Point Approach®.
Washington, DC: National Main Street Center, National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1987.
Maintain current membership of the Local Main Street Program to the National Main Street Center to be eligible for accreditation.
Description of analysis or preparatory work completed prior to procurement:Based on assessments and evaluations conducted by the National Main Street Center in 2016 with NMMS staff, the Director, Local Executive Directors and Presidents, recommendations based on the “Main Street Four-Point Approach®” were made to the Program on appropriate staffing.