National Register criteria definition

National Register criteria means the criteria established by the Secretary of the Interior for use in evaluating the eligibility of properties for the National Register (36 CFR part 60).
National Register criteria means the following criteria established by the Secretary of the Interior for use in evaluating and determining the eligi- bility of properties for listing in the National Register: The quality of sig- nificance in American History, Archi- tecture, Archeology, and the culture is present in districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects of State and local importance, that possess integ- rity of location, design, setting, mate- rials, workmanship, feeling, and asso- ciation; and
National Register criteria means the criteria established by the Secretary of the Interior for use in evaluating the eligibility of properties for the National Register (36 CFR Part 60).

Examples of National Register criteria in a sentence

  • In my opinion, the property meets does not meet the National Register criteria.

  • As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, I hereby certify that this documentation form meets the National Register documentation standards and sets forth requirements for the listing of related properties consistent with the National Register criteria.

  • In my opinion, the property [X] meets [ ] does not meet the National Register criteria.

  • The term includes properties of traditional religious and cultural importance to an Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization and that meet the National Register criteria.

  • In my opinion, the property for additional comments.)meetsdoes not meet the National Register criteria.

More Definitions of National Register criteria

National Register criteria means the criteria set forth at 36 CFR 60.4, used by the Secretary of the Interior and related National Register Bulletins published by the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service to evaluate the qualifications of historic properties for the National Register. On the Internet at:
National Register criteria means the fol- lowing criteria established by the Secretary of the Interior for use in evaluating and de- termining the eligibility of properties for listing in the National Register: The quality of significance in American History, Archi- tecture, Archeology, and the culture is present in districts, sites, buildings, struc- tures, and objects of State and local impor- tance, that possess integrity of location, de- sign, setting, materials, workmanship, feel- ing, and association; and
National Register criteria. “National Register Criteria” means the criteria established by the Secretary of the Interior for use in evaluating the eligibility of properties for the National Register (36 CFR Part 60). “National Register of Historic Places” (NRHP) “National Register of Historic P1aces” (NRHP) maintained by the Secretary of the Interior and administered by the National Parks Service, is the official list of the Nation's cultural resources worthy of preservation.
National Register criteria means the criteria established by the Secretary of the Interior for use in evaluating the eligibility of cultural resources for the National Register; these criteria are found in 36 CFR Part 60, hereby incorporated by reference.
National Register criteria. National Register criteria means the criteria established by the Secretary of the Interior for use in evaluating the eligibility of properties for the National Register (36 CFR 60). The National Register of Historic Places criteria are listed below: NRHP: National Register of Historic Places. DPA: Draft Programmatic Agreement. SHPO: State Historic Preservation Officer. Site: Site definition is different for each state but is generally defined by Xxxxxx and Xxxxxxxx (1958:18), as any reasonably definable spatial unit that contains features or is fairly continuously covered with artifacts that are indicative of an occupation 50 years or older. A site may be defined as "a spatial cluster of cultural features, or items, or both" (Xxxxxxx 1972:46). These definitions apply to both prehistoric and historic sites. Archaeological context may be defined by the inclusion of any of the following: soil staining, associated fire-cracked rock, ceramics, features, or a concentration of materials within a reasonably defined spatial boundary.
National Register criteria means the following criteria established by the Secretary of the Interior for use in
National Register criteria. Means the criteria established by the Secretary of the Interior for use in evaluating the eligibility of properties for the National Register. [Back to Table of Contents]