State Historic Preservation Officer Sample Clauses

State Historic Preservation Officer. (SHPO) is the official appointed or designated by the Governor pursuant to Section 101(b)(1) of NHPA to administer the State historic preservation program (36 CFR §800.16(v)).
State Historic Preservation Officer. XXXX reflects the interests of Florida and its citizens in the preservation of the state’s cultural heritage. SHPO will advise and assist the Department with carrying out its historic preservation responsibilities (§267.038(5)(e), F.S. (Section 5.2.2. State 404 Program Handbook (“Handbook”)). SHPO shall be a consulting party.
State Historic Preservation Officer head of the Office of Historic Preservation; the appointed official in each state and territory charged with administering the national historic preservation program, pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act, at the state level. STATE HISTORICAL LANDMARK: an official state list of landmarks of statewide significance pursuant to PRC Section 5021. SUBSTANTIAL ADVERSE CHANGE: demolition, destruction, relocation, or alteration such that the significance of a historical resource would be impaired as specified in PRC Section 5020.1 (q). TRADITIONAL CULTURAL PROPERTY: a district, site, building, structure, or object that is valued by a human community for the role it plays in sustaining the community’s cultural integrity. Generally a place that figures in important community traditions or in culturally important activities. May be eligible for inclusion in the National Register (see National Register Bulletin No. 38).
State Historic Preservation Officer. The official appointed or designated pursuant to Section 101 (b)(1) of the Act to administer the State Historic Preservation program or a representative designated to act for the State Historic Preservation Officer. For purposes of this Agreement, the State Historic Preservation Officer shall refer to the Director and staff of the Virginia Department of Historic Resources.‌ SURVEY – The process by which historic properties are documented according to the Standards of the SHPO.‌ UNDERTAKING – A project, activity, or program funded in whole or in part under the direct or indirect jurisdiction of a federal agency, including those carried out by or on behalf of a federal agency; those carried out with federal financial assistance; and those requiring a federal permit, license or approval.‌ APPENDIX 3SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR’S STANDARDS FOR REHABILITATION‌ REHABILITATION IS DEFINED AS the act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving those portions or features which convey its historical, cultural, or architectural values.‌
State Historic Preservation Officer. (SHPO) Contact: SHPO
State Historic Preservation Officer. The Florida SHPO reflects the interests of the state of Florida and its citizens in the preservation of the state’s cultural heritage. The Florida SHPO will advise and assist the FDEP with carrying out its historic preservation responsibilities. The SHPO has advised and assisted the EPA in developing this PA to carry out its responsibilities to comply with Section 106 of the NHPA.

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