Examples of Native American community in a sentence
This list should consist of at least the following: Alaska Native organizations American Indian organizations Hispanic associations of colleges and universities historically black colleges and universities (1890 colleges and universities) Native American community colleges minority and ethnic newspapers and radios organizations for the handicapped organizations for the aging.
Paper applications received from applicants that have not received approval of an exemption from required electronic submission will be disqualified from competitive review and from funding under this announcement.ANA DISQUALIFICATION FACTORSAssurance of Community Representation on Board of DirectorsApplicants other than tribes or Alaska Native villages applying for funding must show that a majority of board members are representative of a Native American community to be served.
Each Native American community located within one or more cities, villages, or towns which receive a first dollar payment shall also receive a first dollar payment.
Also, potential effects to on- or off-reservation tribal resources (e.g., treaty-protected resources, cultural resources and/or sacred sites) may disproportionately affect the local Native American community and implicate the federal trust responsibility to tribes.(5) The EPA NEPA analyst should look at each situation on a case-by-case basis to determine if there may be disproportionately high and adverse effects on a minority population.
The required planning processes are designed to foster involvement by all interested parties, such as the business community, community groups, walking and bicycling representatives, environmental organizations, the Native American community, neighboring MPOs/RTPAs and the general public through a proactive public participation process.
Indian Outreach workers provide information and referral services, homemaker services, serve as a liaison between the Native American community, state and local agencies, Indian centers, schools and the non-Native American community.
Biesboer, Kahler and Kern have been and continue to be actively involved in communicating with the Native American community about wild rice genetics research.
PEI: Wennem Wadati: A Native Path to HealingFoothill Indian Education Alliance provides culturally specific Native American services through use of Cultural Specialists, who are Native American community members, working in a professional capacity that access unique cultural contexts and characteristics through the use of traditional Native American healing approaches.
By the mid 1980’s, those numbers had declined to about 100 fish and were still fished for by the local Native American community.
A PA or MOA and supporting HPTP will be developed in consultation with the Native American community, historical organizations, appropriate city and county historic preservation bodies, SHPO, and ACHP.