Natural gas supplier definition

Natural gas supplier means a legal or natural person that sells natural gas to the Network User;  Natural gas offtake: is the flow of natural gas out of the system at the exit point;
Natural gas supplier means a person, including aggregators, market aggregators, brokers, and marketers, licensed by the commission that is offering to sell natural gas to retail customers in the state of Montana.
Natural gas supplier means an alternative gas supplier or any other natural gas supplier providing the natural gas commodity to a customer under a gas utility tariff or rider.

Examples of Natural gas supplier in a sentence

  • Private Limited England Natural gas supplier Limited Company 1.56.

  • Fire Local Police State Police FBI Ambulance Regional HospitalHazardous Chemical Cleanup Backup Coast Guard Poison Control Center Pollution ControlState Emergency Management AgencyNational Response Center 1-800-424-8802 Electrical contractor Electric power company Natural gas supplier Key mechanical contractor Fire suppression system Alarm systemThese Numbers Are Kept at the Main Entrance and the Station Office.

  • Limited England Natural gas supplier Transportation Limited Company 1.56.

  • Natural gas supplier; approved in pipeline & in NYS; residential programs cannot get onto agreement w/price.

  • The term includes all persons identified by the NGDC ratepayer of record, under § 59.95 (relating to persons authorized to act on behalf of a customer), as authorized to act on behalf of the NGDC ratepayer of record in changing the NGS for the account.Data element —One or more characters that represent numeric or alphanumeric fields of data.NGDC — N atural Gas Distribution Com pany —An NGDC as defined by 66 Pa.C.S. § 2202.NGS— Natural gas supplier —A supplier as defined by 66 Pa.C.S. § 2202.§ 59.92.

More Definitions of Natural gas supplier

Natural gas supplier means any entity that is not a natural gas utility and that:
Natural gas supplier or “supplier of natural gas” means any entity that distributes or uses natural gas in California and is described below:
Natural gas supplier means any person that imports, sells, produces, or distributes natural gas to end users in Oregon.
Natural gas supplier means any entity that is not a natural
Natural gas supplier means a person including an aggregator, broker, or marketer, who produces natural gas; sells natural gas; or purchases, brokers, arranges or, markets natural gas for sale to customers. The term shall not include a person that supplies natural gas exclusively for its own consumption or the consumption of one or more of its affiliates. The term shall not include the following:
Natural gas supplier means, for the purposes of this article, the local distribution company or interstate pipeline that owns or operates the distribution pipelines that physically deliver natural gas to end users.
Natural gas supplier means a person, including aggregators, market aggregators, brokers,