Examples of Near side in a sentence
Near side service means that the meter is on the same side of the road as the water main.
Near side double sewer service leads shall not exceed fifteen feet (15’) in length and shall be located within a public right-of-way or easement.
Near side “ridge” have been observed by CMS9 in high multiplicity collisions in pPb collisions at √sNN of 5.02 TeV as illustrated in Fig.
Near side curb extensions are usually about the width of the parking lane and of sufficient length to allow passengers to use the front and back doors of a bus.
As soon as play stops, adjust your signal to indicate where, across the field, the offence occurred Far side of the field – high flag / Centre field – horizontal flag / Near side – low flag • It is your job to ensure that the free kick is taken from the correct spot.
Near side lower vision door window provides better driver vision.
Near side stops are preferable where traffic is heavier on the leaving side than on the approaching side of the intersection.
With respect to intersections, bus and other transit stops may be either: Near side, located on the approach leg of the intersection; or, Far side, located on the departure leg of the intersection.
TYPES OF SERVICE INSTALLATIONS: Near side services:Installation of new water services for the residences located north of the new water main on Woodlawn; shall be installed by open-cut method.
Bus Stops - Near side at Aspen Drive for both east and westbound movements in the existing right turn deceleration lanes (coordinate with sidewalk installations).