Examples of Nearshore waters in a sentence
Nearshore waters can be directly affected by human activity, and are important for human recreation and subsistence.
Nearshore waters (between 0-5.5 nautical miles offshore) include an area of approximately 108 square kilometers of coral reef and lagoon habitats.
Nearshore waters provide habitat for salmon, halibut, and groundfish that support commercial and recreational fisheries managed by Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), North Pacific Fisheries Management Council, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and International Pacific Halibut Commission.
Nearshore waters are often more turbid than deeper offshore waters at Ashburton due to a variety of factors (MScience, 2009).
We also heard from consumer groups such as the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers and the Oregon Citizens’ Utility Board (CUB).Table 4: Consumer Groups FeedbackFeedbackStaff Response/modificationOffered modifications and additions to the list of regulatory tools to beconsideredStaff has attempted to capture this feedback in the applicable Staff Analysis sections, and notes wheresuggestions resulted in modifications.
Nearshore waters of the GOM are believed to provide important developmental habitat for juvenile loggerheads.
Nearshore waters support razor clam beds, Pacific herring spawning, southwest distinct population segment (DPS) northern sea otter designated critical habitat, and harbor seal pupping and molting haulouts.The primary use of Augustine Island is scientific research and monitoring of Augustine Volcano.
This being a Two - Tender system, the Techno - Commercial Tenders are to be opened in the first instance, at the prescribed time and date as indicated in NIT.
Nearshore waters, including the bottomlands, are also probably included as Areas of Concern (Annex 1) or included in Lake Management Plans (Annex 2), as recommended by the IJC in the 15th Biennial Report.
The MCMR may allow variance to this water depth requirement after review and approval.101.03 Molluscan shellfish aquaculture operations which include support facilities shall not be located within two (2) miles of the shoreline.102 On-bottom and off-bottom Culture On-Bottom Culture in Nearshore waters.