Examples of Net zero in a sentence
Net zero energy, water, or waste will not be feasible for all federal buildings as it may not be life-cycle cost-effective.
Net zero scenario shows higher potential for biomethane and hydrogen.
Net zero emission communities meet energy demand through energy efficient buildings and infrastructure, and low carbon or carbon free forms of energy, and offset any greenhouse gas emissions that cannot be eliminated.
Domestic targets are targets that New Zealand decided as part of its domestic policy decisions.• Net zero emissions of all GHG other than biogenic methane by 2050• 24 to 47 per cent reduction below 2017 biogenic methane emissions by 2050, including 10 per cent reduction below 2017 biogenic methane emissions by 2030.
Net zero achievement requires a reduction not only from direct and energy use emissions but also indirect GHG emissions such as related to the purchase of goods and commodities (scope 3).