Examples of Carbon Emissions in a sentence
The policy is to strike an appropriate balance between the costs and the benefits, taking into account: Cost Convenience Carbon emissions Care of staff Travel should only be undertaken when there is no other practical business alternative and, where travel is necessary, sustainability and environmental issues are to be taken into account when planning meetings and journeys.
Carbon emissions are a major concern when making both investment and operational decisions.
Carbon emissions stem from global output with an emission coefficient which can be reduced by national policies, σi,t = (1 − µi,t)σi,t, where µi,t ∈ (0, 1) stands for the carbon abatement rate and σi,t is the exogenous carbon intensity of the economy.
CO2 emissions: Carbon emissions per dollar invested and weighted average carbon intensity.
Carbon emissions can be grouped into categories depending onwhere they arise and where they are used by a business.
FIDE will be extended to industry as well as to SMEs. Carbon emissions will be reduced through the implementation of the National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy (CONUEE).32 New energy-efficient lighting systems and generators for industrial buildings will be installed.
MEPC 75/5/5 (FOEI, WWF, Pacific Environment and CSC): responds to a recent study showing that new blended low sulphur residual fuels designed to meet the IMO 2020 mandated 0.50% global sulphur limit will result in very significant increases in ships' Black Carbon emissions, reflects on the implications of this for shipping's contribution to the climate crisis and calls on IMO to regulate to stop their use.
Carbon emissions are monitored and published monthly to maintain the low carbon approach of 30% lower carbon emissions in the Fund compared to its reference indicator.
MEPC 75/5/4 (FOEI, WWF, Pacific Environment and CSC): discusses the implications for the Arctic of a recent study indicating that blended low sulphur residual fuels that have been developed to meet the IMO 2020 sulphur limit requirement will result in a significant increase in Black Carbon emissions, and calls on IMO to mandate an urgent switch to distillates for ships operating in the Arctic to avoid a sharp rise in emissions of short-lived climate forcers in this vulnerable area.
The proposed reduction of carbon emissions of 20.4% from renewable energy and passive sources meets the requirements of London Plan policy 4A.7. The Energy Statement submitted in support of the application shows that the use of a central bio fuel boiler system is seen as the most effective and efficient form of renewable energy that would achieve the greatest reduction in Carbon emissions compared with other forms of renewable energy.