Examples of Network Rail Standard in a sentence
Group A Rail SteelsGroup B Rail SteelsGroup C Rail SteelsGroup D Rail SteelsGroup E Rail SteelsOther Rail Steels 111 MMA 114 Self-shielded tubular cored arc welding 131 MIG 135 MAG 136 FCAW Aluminothermic Thermit Welding (GB) Aluminothermic Pandrol Flash butt Gas pressure The categories of materials detailed in the above table comply with the groups of materials given in Network Rail Standard NR/L2/TRK/0032.
The advantages of the Modified Network Rail Standard Detail bridge is that it is a tried and tested solution that is simple, efficient, robust and durable.
However, similar to the Modified Network Rail Standard Detail bridge, this would require raised bankseats to provide sufficient clearance, albeit slightly larger due to the increased construction depth.
The Scheme applies to all OTP as defined in Network Rail Standard NR/L2/ RMVP/0200 – Infrastructure Plant Manual (IPM).
As per Network Rail Standard NR/L3/MTC/CP009- COVID-19 Contingency Plan: Safe Working Practices, we have limited the occupancy of vehicles:○ Small vans - 1 person○ Long wheel base vehicles - 2 persons Staff should travel to work or site in their own vehicles if possible.
This will enable the train to be stopped at a suitable location for the driver to examine the wheel-set(s) concerned and implement a temporary speed restriction for that train as directed by the Network Rail Standard (NR/SP/TRK/0133).Where vehicles are tagged with RFID tags, wheel condition data may be automatically provided to operators and ECMs for information used to better manage wheel set maintenance.There are 28 WILD installations across the network.
Requirements for railway track drainage are given in Network Rail Standard GC/RT5014 and Code of Practice RT/CE/C/006.
All new stations, which are built must comply with the Network Rail Standard, “Incorporating Ergonomics within Engineering Projects; Requirements”.
Purpose: This bill would amend Labor Law to expand the definition of "immediate family member" in farm labor statute to include family related to the third degree of consanguinity or affinity.
Structures Network Rail examines all structures within the Network Rail Standard GC/RT 5100 ‘Safe Management of Structures’.