New Jersey State Planning Commission definition
Examples of New Jersey State Planning Commission in a sentence
The office staffs the New Jersey State Planning Commission and the New Jersey Brownfields Redevelopment Task Force.
This Map identified the Golf Course Rehabilitation Area as Planning Area 5, Environmentally Sensitive Planning Area.State Plan Policy MapA new State Plan Policy Map was approved by the New Jersey State Planning Commission on December 14, 2020.
In 2010 The New Jersey State Planning Commission consist of 17 members representing state government.
On November 14, 2011, the New Jersey State Planning Commission released its final draft of the State Strategic Plan (SSP).
CALL TO ORDERMichele Byers, Vice Chair called the April 19, 2006 meeting of the New Jersey State Planning Commission to order at 9:46 a.m.
Policies promoting hazard mitigation planning incorporated into land use and infrastructure plans at all levels of government were incorporated into the revised New Jersey State Development and Redevelopment Plan prepared under New Jersey’s State Planning Act and adopted by the New Jersey State Planning Commission, and independent, quasi-legislative body, in March 2001.
The new monitoring sites are inside and outside the AQMA and close to its boundary.
This notice of pre-proposal may be viewed or downloaded from the Office of Planning Advocacy’s website at: The agency proposal follows: Summary Take notice that pursuant to its authority under N.J.S.A. 52:18A-203, the New Jersey State Planning Commission (“Commission”) is soliciting comments regarding proposed readoption with amendments, repeals and new rules to N.J.A.C. 5:85, to update the State Planning Rules (“Rules”).
New Jersey’s higher education system is composed of 57universities, colleges and technical schools, which award over 75,000 degrees each year (New Jersey State Planning Commission 2011).New Jersey is home to two of the most prestigious centers of higher learning: Princeton University and Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.
Development objectives within Planning Area 1 include acceptance of much of the state’s future redevelopment; revitalization of cities and towns; promotion of growth in compact forms; stabilization of older suburbs; the redesign of sprawl areas; and protection of the character of existing stable communities (New Jersey State Planning Commission 2001).