Examples of NHS Digital CareCERT in a sentence
Recommendations:1 Strengthen, expand, and appropriately resource the current NHS Digital CareCERT programme to provide a single strategic cyber forum that brings togethera range of experts in order to share best practice, develop guidance for organisations, and build wide capability and resilience 2 Highlight and spread good practice and identify local exemplars of best practice in each region to support all organisations in improving their security awareness and posture.
Specialist support for GP Cyber Security incident reporting and management with access to NHS Digital CareCERT is a required part of core commissioned GP IT security and information governance services.
The information to be recorded will include:o the date of discovery of the threato the location of the threat, if relevanto details of the threato details of whether the threat puts the organisation or patient care at risk (if known)o any action taken by the IT Security Management Team. The CITS IT Security Management Team will respond to NHS Digital CareCERT in relation to the specific threat notification.
The information to be recorded will include:o the date of discovery of the threato the location of the threat, if relevanto details of the threato details of whether the threat puts the organisation or patient care at risk (if known)o any action taken by the IT Security Management Team.• The CITS IT Security Management Team will respond to NHS Digital CareCERT in relation to the specific threat notification.