Examples of NHS Highland in a sentence
NHS Highland is committed to becoming a learning organisation, recognising that staff require access to opportunities to learn, maintain and develop skills and knowledge, and we recognise the importance of valuing and supporting our staff throughout their time here.
This is a significant area of policy development for both the Council and NHS Highland as it is a legislative requirement which both partners will need to comply with fully.
Section 1 – Welcome Introduction Thank you for your interest in joining NHS Highland.
Article 4 of the Order provides for the Chair to be appointed by NHS Highland or Argyll and Bute Council from among the voting members nominated by NHS Highland and the Council.
This is undertaken to cover the complete financial year, and allows the Audit Committee to provide the Board of NHS Highland with the assurance it needs to approve the Governance Statement, which forms part of the Annual Accounts.
The vision of Argyll and Bute Council and NHS Highland is that the people in Argyll and Bute will live longer, healthier, happier, independent lives.
The non-voting Board members employed by NHS Highland include the Lead Nurse, Clinical Director for Argyll and Bute, Public Health Specialist, Lead Allied Health Professional, Lead Pharmacist, Staff Representative and representatives from primary care and medical services.
The Integration Joint Board has related party relationships with NHS Highland and Argyll and Bute Council.
The report setting out the explanation of the forecast overspend and the recovery plan should also be submitted to the Council and NHS Highland.
The Chief Officer will be directly responsible to and line-managed by the Chief Executive Officers of both Parties, and via the Chief Executive Officers is responsible to NHS Highland and the Council.