Clone means a non-flowering plant cut from a mother plant that is capable of developing into a new plant and has shown no signs of flowering.
STEM means science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Cell Line means a mammalian cell line that is developed using the Selexis Technology.
Prosthesis means an artificial substitute for a missing body part.
Bioassay means the determination of kinds, quantities or concentrations and, in some cases, the locations of radioactive material in the human body, whether by direct measurement, in vivo counting, or by analysis and evaluation of materials excreted or removed from the human body. For purposes of these rules, “radiobioassay” is an equivalent term.
Cell means a single encased electrochemical unit containing one positive and one negative electrode which exhibits a voltage differential across its two terminals.
coronavirus means severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2);
Cannabinoid edible means food or potable liquid into which a cannabinoid concentrate, cannabinoid extract or dried marijuana leaves or flowers have been incorporated.
Tissue means a portion of the human body other than an organ or an eye. The term does not include blood unless the blood is donated for the purpose of research or education.
Manufacturing Technology means any and all patents, patent applications, know-how, and all intellectual property rights associated therewith that are owned or controlled by Licensor, and including all tangible embodiments thereof, that are necessary or useful for the manufacture of adeno-associated viruses, adeno-associated virus vectors, research or commercial reagents related thereto, Licensed Products, or other products, including manufacturing processes, technical information relating to the methods of manufacture, protocols, standard operating procedures, batch records, assays, formulations, quality control data, specifications, scale up, any and all improvements, modifications, and changes thereto, and any and all activities associated with such manufacture. Any and all chemistry, manufacturing, and controls (CMC), drug master files (DMFs), or similar materials provided to regulatory authorities and the information contained therein are deemed Manufacturing Technology.
Halogen means one of the chemical elements chlorine, bromine or iodine.
DNA means deoxyribonucleic acid.
Tetrahydrocannabinol or "THC" means the natural or synthetic equivalents of the substances contained in the plant, or in the resinous extractives of, cannabis, or any synthetic substances, compounds, salts, or derivatives of the plant or chemicals and their isomers with similar chemical structure and pharmacological activity.
Web spray adhesive means any aerosol adhesive that is not a mist spray or special purpose spray adhesive.
Epinephrine auto-injector means a device for immediate self-administration or administration by another trained person of a measured dose of epinephrine to a person at risk of anaphylaxis.
Cannabinoid means any of the chemical compounds that are the active constituents of marijuana.
Mist spray adhesive means any aerosol which is not a special purpose spray adhesive and which delivers a particle or mist spray, resulting in the formation of fine, discrete particles that yield a generally uniform and smooth application of adhesive to the substrate.
Vector means an insect or other animal which normally transports an infectious agent that constitutes a public health risk;
cannabis resin means the separated resin, whether crude or purified, obtained from any plant of the genus Cannabis;
Vaccine means a specially prepared antigen which, upon administration to a person, will result in immunity and, specifically for the purposes of this rule, shall mean influenza and pneumococcal vaccines.
Total tetrahydrocannabinol means the same as that term is defined in § 3.2-4112.
Cyanoacrylate adhesive means any adhesive with a cyanoacrylate content of at least 95% by weight.
NPS means nominal pipe size.
thalassemia means a group of inherited disorders characterised by reduced or absent amounts of haemoglobin.
Biomethane means biogas that meets pipeline quality natural gas standards.
Nematode means invertebrate animals of the phylum nemathelminthes, and class nematoda, i.e., unsegmented round worms with elongated, fusiform, or saclike bodies covered with cuticle, and inhabiting soil, water, plants, or plant parts, may also be called nemas or eelworms.