Frequency means the number of items occurring in each category. Frequency may be determined by analytical method or laboratory specific requirements for accuracy, precision of the analysis, or statistical calculation.
Meet-Point Billing (MPB) refers to the billing associated with interconnection of facilities between two or more LECs for the routing of traffic to and from an IXC with which one of the LECs does not have a direct connection. In a multi-bill environment, each Party bills the appropriate tariffed rate for its portion of a jointly provided Switched Exchange Access Service.
Routing Point means the location which a LEC has designated on its own network as the homing or routing point for traffic inbound to Exchange Service provided by the LEC which bears a certain NPA-NXX designation. The Routing Point is employed to calculate mileage measurements for the distance-sensitive transport element charges of Switched Access services. The Routing Point need not be the same as the Rating Point, nor must it be located within the Rate Center area, but must be in the same LATA as the NPA-NXX.
Yearly (1/Year) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the month of September, unless specifically identified otherwise in the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements table.
Meet Point A point, designated by the Parties, at which one Party’s responsibility for service begins and the other Party’s responsibility ends.
Semi-annual (2/Year) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done during the months of June and December, unless specifically identified otherwise.
Centralized Message Distribution System or "CMDS" means the operation system that Local Exchange Carriers use to exchange outcollect and IABS access messages among each other and other parties connected to CMDS.
Gasification means the substoichiometric oxidation or steam reformation of a substance to produce a gaseous mixture containing two or more of the following: (i) oxides of carbon; (ii) methane; and (iii) hydrogen;
Working voltage means the highest value of an electrical circuit voltage root-mean-square (rms), specified by the manufacturer, which may occur between any conductive parts in open circuit conditions or under normal operating condition. If the electrical circuit is divided by galvanic isolation, the working voltage is defined for each divided circuit, respectively.
Yearly (1/Year) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the month of September, unless specifically identified otherwise in the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements table.
Centralized Message Distribution System (CMDS) means the industry-wide data collection system, which handles the daily exchange of message details between CMDS participating telephone companies (also known as CMDS Direct Participants). AT&T-21STATE is a CMDS Direct Participant.
Semi-annual (2/Year) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done during the months of June and December, unless specifically identified otherwise.
Meet-Point Billing (MPB means the billing associated with interconnection of facilities between two (2) or more LECs for the routing of traffic to and from an IXC with which one of the LECs does not have a direct connection. In a multi-bill environment, each Party bills the appropriate tariffed rate for its portion of a jointly provided Switched Exchange Access Service.
Delivery Point means the point(s) of connection(s) at which energy is delivered into the Grid System i.e. the Interconnection Point.
Delivery Points means: (i) for natural gas transported by interstate pipelines, the city gate stations of your Utility, and (ii) for electricity, one or more points at which Company, as your agent, has arranged for the delivery of electricity to a third party (such as your Utility) for your account or at your premises.
INTER-CONNECTION POINT/ DELIVERY/ METERING POINT means a single point at 220kV or above, where the power from the Project(s) is injected into the identified ISTS Substation (including the dedicated transmission line connecting the Projects with the substation system) as specified in the RfS document. Metering shall be done at this interconnection point where the power is injected into. For interconnection with grid and metering, the WPDs shall abide by the relevant CERC/ SERC Regulations, Grid Code and Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 as amended and revised from time to time.
Quarterly (1/Quarter) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the months of March, June, August, and December, unless specifically identified otherwise in the Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements table.
Xxxxxage The mortgage, deed of trust or other instrument securing a Mortgage Note, which creates a first lien, in the case of a First Lien Loan, or a second lien, in the case of a Second Lien Loan, on an unsubordinated estate in fee simple in real property securing the Mortgage Note; except that with respect to real property located in jurisdictions in which the use of leasehold estates for residential properties is a widely-accepted practice, the mortgage, deed of trust or other instrument securing the Mortgage Note may secure and create a first or second lien upon a leasehold estate of the Mortgagor.
Distribution Network means a 'distribution network' as defined in Special Condition E2A of the Transporter's Licence held by each DN Operator;
High voltage bus means the electrical circuit, including the coupling system for charging the REESS that operates on a high voltage.
Intermediate Distribution Frame (IDF) means a second frame that augments an existing Main Distribution Frame. Lines or outside cables that do not terminate on the IDF.
Process Gas means gas used for which alternate fuels, other than another gaseous fuel, are not technically feasible such as in applications requiring precise temperature controls and precise flame characteristics.
medium voltage means the set of nominal voltage levels that lie above low voltage and below high voltage in the range of 1 kV < Un 44 kV. [SANS 1019]
connecting point means the point at which the drainage installation joins the connecting sewer;
Operating pressure means the pressure at which the parts of an irrigation system are designed by the manufacturer to operate.
Process weight means the total weight of all materials introduced into any source operation. Solid fuels charged will be considered as part of the process weight, but liquid and gaseous fuels and combustion air will not.