Nonperforming Assets definition
Examples of Nonperforming Assets in a sentence
When completing the LDSS-4882, all TA applicants/recipients, including SNA applicants/recipients, must check Box 2 in Section C – Application/Affirmation for Child Support Services, sign and print his or her name, and enter the date on page A-8 of the LDSS-4882.
Neither the principle of sanctity of life nor that of autonomy should be allowed to trump the pragmatic considerations contained in proposition 2 of both positions of principle.
The guidelines as laid down by RBI Master Circular No. DBOD.No.BP.BC.2/21.04.048/2015-16 dated July 1, 2015, on Asset classification, Income Recognition and Provisioning to Advances portfolio are followed while classifying Non-performing Assets (NPAs).
The banking sector challenges in India in the form of NPAs (Non-performing Assets) in the economy could come to the fore in the coming year posing a serious risk to the sector.Overall we remain optimistic on the Indian economy and the corporate sector profitability, expecting the Equity markets to mirror this op- timism.
This is because of classification of its account by the concerned State Bank of India as Non-performing Assets (NPA).