Examples of Northwest Territories in a sentence
The Courageous Lake gold project consists of mining leases located in Northwest Territories of Canada.
Any requirement for deliveries to locations within CLCAs areas within Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Quebec, or Labrador will have to be treated as a separate procurement, outside of the standing offer.
The Standing Offer (SO) is for the delivery of the requirement detailed in the SO to the Identified Users across Canada, excluding locations within Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Quebec, and Labrador that are subject to Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements (CLCAs).
Please also refer to the MVLWB/AANDC Guidelines for the Closure and Reclamation of Advanced Mineral Exploration and Mine Sites in the Northwest Territories.
Mex., New Mexico; NS, Nova Scotia; NSW, New South Wales; NT, Northern Territory in AUS and Northwest Territories in CAN; NU, Nunavut; N.Y., New York; NYF, niobium-yttrium-fluorine; Okla., Oklahoma; ON, Ontario; Oreg., Oregon; Pb, lead; PER, Peru; PGE, platinum group elements; PHL, Philippines; PNG, Papua New Guinea; QC, Quebec; QLD, Queensland; REE, rare earth elements; RUS, Russia; SA, South Australia; SAU, Saudi Arabia; SCLM, subcontinental lithospheric mantle; S.
Mr. Fentie (Motion #69) THAT this House urges the Government of Yukon to work collaboratively with the Government of Canada, the Government of the Northwest Territories, the Porcupine Caribou Management Board, all affected First Nations in Yukon and the Northwest Territories, and stakeholders, to develop a Porcupine Caribou Herd Harvest Management Strategy that ensures to the greatest extent possible, the conservation and protection of the Porcupine Caribou Herd.
For additional guidance on the investment fund manager registration requirement in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan and Yukon see Multilateral Policy 31-202 Registration Requirement for Investment Fund Manager.
In the event that any law passed by Parliament, or the Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly renders null and void or alters any provision of this Agreement, the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall remain in effect for the term of the Agreement.
Include a Certificate of Corporate Registration from the Government of the Northwest Territories in your Application Package.
In the event that any law passed by Parliament or the Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly renders null and void or alters any provision of this Agreement, the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall remain in effect for the term of the Agreement.