Not Recommended definition
Examples of Not Recommended in a sentence
Appropriateness of Equipment and Project Cost (Feasibility)15 = Proposed equipment is appropriate and project cost is economical 10 = Proposed equipment is appropriate but project cost is average5 = Proposed equipment is appropriate but project cost is expensive0 = Proposed equipment is not appropriate (Project Not Recommended for Funding) 4.
Equipment Maintenance15 = Equipment will be stored in a building sheltered from the elements 10 = Equipment will be stored under tarp or in an open shelter5 = Plans for equipment storage are unknown but equipment will be protected0 = Equipment will be stored without protection (Project Not Recommended for Funding) 3.
All candidates for tenure or promotion will be assessed and qualitatively ranked as follows: Recommended or Not Recommended.
Notes- Pole Tablet is Not Recommended in Modular Ganging Applications.
In the Technical Evaluation phase, teams comprising staff from the Office of the Secretary (OST) and modal administrations review all eligible applications and rate projects as Highly Recommended, Recommended, Acceptable, or Not Recommended based on how well the projects align with the selection criteria.Tier 2 Analysis consists of (1) an Economic Analysis and (2) a Project Readiness Analysis.
Table 10B-1.02: Trees Not Recommended Siberian Elm*Box ElderCotton-Bearing CottonwoodChinese Elm*European Mountain AshWhite PoplarSilver Maple*CatalpaWillowsRussian OliveTree of HeavenAustrian PineBolleana PoplarWeeping BirchLombardy PoplarBlack Locust*Autumn OliveAshMulberry * Some cultivars and hybrid varieties accepted; however, use caution and confirm it is acceptable with the local jurisdiction.
General location does not provide the level of detail that would be needed to estimate a motorist’s locations street-by-street.Concepts Not Recommended: Concept 2: Engine Run Time If a vehicle’s engine is running, it is likely using the road system.
PharmacyChecker blog to its Not Recommended Sites list in furtherance of the conspiracy.
In December 2018, NABP once again added to its Not Recommended Sites list, despite its previous, aforementioned admission in 2011 that did not belong on the list.
Each complete, eligible application will receive a rating of Highly Recommended, Recommended or Not Recommended depending on its performance against the criteria.