Examples of Notice of Funds Availability in a sentence
A Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) is issued when funding for a grant competition has been appropriated by Congress (or a Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO) is issued when funding for a grant competition is anticipated but not yet available).
NTIA funded BTOP awards through two rounds of funding: (1) Round 1 Notice of Funds Availability (Round 1 NOFA), which opened on July 14, 2009 and closed August 14, 2009; (2) Round 2 Notice of Funds Availability (Round 2 NOFA), which opened February 16, 2010 and closed March 15, 2010.
Capitalized terms used, but not defined herein, shall have the respective meanings assigned to them in the Act, the Community Development Financial Institutions Program Regulations, the Notice of Funds Availability, the Application, and/or the Uniform Requirements (as such terms are hereinafter defined).
The applicable time frame for meeting the match is set forth in the Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) published in the Federal Register for each funding round.
The Report contents will be based upon information that is provided in accordance with and within the timeframes set forth in the current Qualified Allocation Plan (“QAP”) (10 TAC Chapter 11) or a Notice of Funds Availability (“NOFA”), as applicable, and the Uniform Multifamily Rules (10 TAC Chapter 10, Subchapters A – E and G).
The Fund, in its sole discretion, may deny or limit the amount of an award for any reason.§ 1806.204 Applications for Bank En- terprise Awards.(a) Notice of Funds Availability; Appli- cations.
The Borrower must not have owned a home as a primary residence in the last three years prior to loan closing unless: a) the property to be acquired is located in a Targeted Area as described in Exhibit A of this Notice of Funds Availability, b) the loan is a Qualified Rehabilitation Loan or c) the property is located on an Indian reservation and the Mortgage Loan is a FHA Section 248 or a HUD Section 184 loan (limited availability of funds).
However, details of the access points will need to be agreed and a condition concerning the access points is required.
The applicable time frame for raising the match is set forth in the Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) published in the Federal Register for each funding round.
The Application, including any attachments, exhibits, appendices, and supplements thereto, any attachments, schedules, exhibits, appendices, and supplements to the Assistance Agreement, and the Notice of Funds Availability are incorporated in and made a part of this Agreement.