Examples of Notice of Incorporation in a sentence
In such cases the Notice of Incorporation must clearly point this out, and also indicate the particular clause’s location in the MOI.
It may prohibit the amendment of any particular provision of the MOI in which case the Notice of Incorporation must clearly point this out, and also indicate its location in the MOI.
Climate changes have extensive, negative consequences for the living conditions in both the poor countries and the growth and transition countries and may undermine the Sustainable Development Goals.
Registration of a company is immediately effective when the MoI has been signed by the requisite number of persons and by filing it together with prescribed Notice of Incorporation at the Registrar of Companies (CIPC).
Subject to Shareholders’ approval and registration by ACRA, the Company shall change its name to “CEI Limited” with effect from the date of issue of the Notice of Incorporation Upon Change of Name and the name “CEI Contract Manufacturing Limited” shall be substituted by “CEI Limited” wherever the former name appears in the Company’s M&A.
The Company’s financial year which is its annual accounting period, ends on a date set out in the Company’s Notice of Incorporation, subject to any change made in terms of this sub-article of the Memorandum of Incorporation, being 30 June annually.
A company becomes incorporated by the adoption of its MOI, the filing of a Notice of Incorporation with the Commission and payment of the prescribed fee.
A MoI may be incorporated with particular conditions which are applicable to the company and any requirement for the amendment of such condition.It may prohibit the amendment of any particular provision of the MoI in which case the Notice of Incorporation must comprehensible point this out, and also indicate its location in the MOI.
The Memorandum of Incorporation may even provide for any other provisions or distinctive conditions, not provided for in the Companies Act.185Together with the Notice of Incorporation, the Memorandum of Incorporation, in its prescribed form or in a form exclusive to the company, comprises the founding documents of a company.
If the Association is being incorporated, I handle the preparation and filing of the Articles of Incorporation and Docketing Statement with the Pennsylvania Department of State, the required advertisement of Notice of Incorporation, and the preparation of the corporate book.