Notional Quantity definition
Examples of Notional Quantity in a sentence
Floating Price * Notional Quantity.Fixed Price * Notional Quantity.
Fixed Price .......................................Floating Price ...................................Notional Quantity ..............................Calculation Period ............................Fixed Price Payer .............................Floating Price Payer .........................Settlement Type ...............................Swap Term .......................................Floating Amount ...............................Fixed Amount ...................................
The Option Premium Amount payable by the Option Buyer under an Option Transaction in which the relevant Underlying Transaction is a Futures Transaction equals the Option Premium Price times the Notional Quantity for such Futures Transaction times the Calculation Period for such Futures Transaction.
The “Annual Revenue Ceiling” in respect of a Financial Year is calculated as follows: where: ARCFY = the Annual Revenue Ceiling for the Financial Year; ∑NQTI = the sum of the Notional Quantity for all Trading Intervals in the Financial Year calculated in accordance with item 3.9 (“Calculation of Notional Quantity”); and ACFY = the Annual Ceiling for the Financial Year applicable to the Financial Year.
Fields 86 to 88 – Notional Quantity – For trades where notional or quantities vary during the life of a trade, it is not clear if it is possible to report multiple values or schedules of quantity in the CDE fields listed.