NPCC means the Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc. (a reliability council under Section 202 of the Federal Power Act) or any successor organization.
NPCC means the Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc., including the NPCC Cross Border Regional Entity (“CBRE”), or their successor organizations.
NPCC means the Northeast Power Coordinating Council or any successor organization.
Examples of NPCC in a sentence
RMS understands the importance of reducing the number of false alarm calls passed to the Police and has put the following procedures in force to filter Intruder Alarm Signals in accordance with the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) Policy and NSI Code of Practice.
The NPCC policy states that all premises with Type A Systems shall have at least 2 keyholders.
More Definitions of NPCC
NPCC meanss National Projects Construction Corporation Limited, a company registered under the Indian Company Act 1956, with its registered office at Raja Place, New Delhi or its Engineers or other employees authorized to deal with any matter with which these persons are concerned on its behalf.
NPCC means Northeast Power Coordinating Council.
NPCC means the Northeast Power Coordinating Council Inc. or its successor organization. “NPCC Criteria, Guides and Procedures” are documents, or the successor of these documents, that contain the Reliability Standards of the NPCC and which detail the principles of interconnected planning and operations that define and direct the efforts of the NPCC and its members. These documents are essential to maintaining the Security, Adequacy, Reliability and efficient operation of the interconnected bulk power supply system of NPCC members.
NPCC means the Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc.
NPCC means the Northeast Power Coordinating Council Inc. or its successor organization.
NPCC means the Northeast Power Coordinating Council.
NPCC means Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc.;