AND PROCEDURES. The local Union may, in order to secure jobs for its members and contracts for Employers who are bound by this Agreement, but are bidding on contracts against contractors who are not parties to this Collective Agreement, amend or delete any of the terms and conditions in this Collective agreement subject to the terms of Appendix B.
AND PROCEDURES. Where a vacancy occurs, or a new position is created within the Bargaining Unit, which the PGA intends to fill, notice of the position shall be posted at each detachment and at Headquarters for a minimum of ten (1 0) working days. The notice shall set out the job description, the qualifications required, the wage rate, the deadline for applications, and the person to whom applications are submitted. This requirement shall not apply to vacancies or new positions within the Bargaining Unit that are for a duration of four (4) months or less. Members shall submit written applications for the vacancy within the period indicated on the notice and such members shall be selected for posted positions on the basis of their skill, ability, experience, qualifications, training, and education as determined by the Senior Management Team. This determination shall not be unreasonably exercised. Where, in the judgment of the Senior Management Team, applicants' qualifications for the position are relatively equal, the more senior applicant shall be awarded the position. Should there be no suitable applicants from within the Bargaining Unit, the Senior Management Team may hire from outside the Bargaining Unit. The local president of the Alliance shall be provided with a copy of the letter of offer for all new employees at the time of the offer.
AND PROCEDURES. The parties shall be entitled to conduct adequate discovery, and they may obtain all remedies available to the parties as if the matter had been tried in court. The arbitrator shall issue a written decision which specifies the findings of fact and conclusions of law on which the arbitrator’s decision is based. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered by any court having jurisdiction thereof. Unless otherwise required by law, the arbitrator will award reasonable expenses (including reimbursement of the assigned arbitration costs) to the prevailing party. Nothing in this Section 9.9 or in this Agreement or the Memorandum of Option Grant is intended to prevent either Executive or the Company from obtaining injunctive relief in court to prevent irreparable harm pending the conclusion of any such arbitration.
AND PROCEDURES. Promotion Schedule will based upon suc- cessful completion of both the accumulated hours associated with step in the promotion schedule. Appendix
AND PROCEDURES. When a vacancy occurs or a new position is created which is subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Region shall, with the exception of positions in the lowest salary level, post the position on bulletin boards for a period of five (5) working days so that employees may have the opportunity to make written application for the position. No outside applicants shall be considered until internal applicants for the position have been considered. The name of the successful applicant will be posted on the bulletin boards. Temporary vacancies such as those caused by an employee's absence due to leave of absence, illness, accident, vacations, temporary transfers, and temporary Jobscaused by conditions, shall not be posted, and it is agreed that any such vacancies may be filled by temporary employees. Positions arising from temporary vacancies expected to last in of thirty (30) calendar days should be offered to the qualified employees in the department on the basis of seniority before being filled by temporary employees. the original vacancy shall be required be filled in this manner. This provision shall not be construed to inhibit the customary use of students student work programs, but such programs shall not jeopardize the employment of employees who are subject to the terms of this Agreement. be based on the skill, ability, education, experience and qualifications of the responding to the where factors are relatively equal and meet the requirements of the position, seniority shall govern. An employee successful in a job posting application shall not be permitted to re- apply to any subsequent job posting for a period of six (6)calendar months from the effective date of the appointment unless approval is obtained from the employee’s department head. ARTICLE HOURS WORK The normal hours of work shall be thirty-’ five (35) hours per week consisting five (5)shifts of seven (7) hours, Monday to Friday inclusive for the positions i shown in Appendices and forty (40) hours per week consisting of five (5) shifts of eight (8) hours, Monday to Friday inclusive, for the positions shown in Appendix Such shifts shall be contained within the period of eight (8) a.m. to five (5) It is agreed that should it become necessary to establish shifts other than those shown in this Article, the Region will do so only after consultation with the Union. No seven (7) hour shift shall be spread over more than eight (8) hours, and no eight (8) hour shift shall be spread over more ...
AND PROCEDURES. The acts of the Officers shall bind the Company when they are within the scope of the authority of such Officers. Except as otherwise authorized by the Board or the CEO, and except as set forth in the Management Authorization Limits, no other Person shall have authority to bind or act for, or assume any obligations or responsibilities on behalf of, the Company. The Officers shall keep the Board informed as to all matters of concern to the Company.
AND PROCEDURES. In an attempt to streamline and expedite the layoff and recall procedures, as they relate to Article of the Collective Agreement, both agree to the following:
AND PROCEDURES. The purpose of these guidelines is to assist Monitoring Committees (MCs) of ASEAN Member States to develop a statement of criteria and procedures for submission to the ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountant Coordinating Committee (ACPACC). In accordance with this Arrangement, the eligibility of a Professional Accountant for designation as an ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountant (ACPA) is determined by reference to five performance criteria, which are to be considered as a package. Some of these criteria are relatively objective in nature, while others shall require the Monitoring Committee (MC) to exercise a measure of professional judgement. These notes represent the benchmarks against which each criterion should be considered.
AND PROCEDURES. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and any MainePERS policies or procedures as may now exist or may be from time to time created or amended, the provisions of this Agreement shall govern.
AND PROCEDURES. Contractor shall maintain the additional policies and procedures as required by Rule § 444.303 and make them available for inspection by DSHS. Each Contractor shall develop and implement a policy and age-appropriate procedures to protect the rights of children, families and adults participating in a prevention or intervention program. All participants have the right to be free from abuse, neglect and exploitation; be treated with dignity and respect; and make a complaint to the Contractor or the Department at any time. Participants receiving individualized services in an intervention program also have the right to refuse or accept services after being informed of services and responsibilities, including program goals and objectives, rules and regulations, and participants’ rights. The Contractor shall maintain documentation showing that participants receiving individualized services in an intervention program have received the required information and agreed to participate in the program. Contractors that provide services to identified individuals shall maintain the confidentiality of participant-identifying information as required by the federal regulations governing Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Patient Records, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 42, Chapter 1, Part 2. Each Contractor shall establish and demonstrate active use of written agreements (memoranda of understanding) with available substance abuse providers and other mental health, health care, and social services providers to meet the needs of the clients and family members. Agreements to coordinate services must be established in writing, be renewed annually (through signature or other documented contact), include names of the organizations entering into the agreement, services or activities each organization will provide, signatures of authorized representatives, and dates of action and expiration.