Examples of Number of pupils enrolled in a sentence
Pupil Data• Number of pupils enrolled in class – Include all pupils who enrolled in the course and attended the course sessions.
Where: iPRtNEt +1 i+1Et i Promotion Rate at grade i in school year t New entrants to grade i+1, in school year t+1 Number of pupils enrolled in grade i, in school year t Data required: Enrolment by grade for school year t and enrolment and number of repeaters by grade for year t+1.
Inscriptions to the Baccalaureate session: 3.1. Number of pupils enrolled; 3.2. Number of additional examinations requested (art.
Table 22: Number of pupils enrolled at local schools if the proposals were implemented from September 2023 Recent number of pupils enrolledForecast number of pupils enrolledSchool2017/20182018/20192019/20202020/20212021/20222022/20232023/20242024/20252025/20262026/2027Albany Primary SchoolIf the proposed changes were to be implemented, it is expected that most of the additional pupils enrolled at Ysgol Mynydd Bychan would be from within its catchment area, and some may be from other areas of the city.
The number of days of substantial excess was seven days (0.2 months).3.3 Effectiveness and Impacts 13 (Rating: ②)3.3.1 Effectiveness3.3.1.1 Quantitative Effects (Operation and Effect Indicators)(1) Number of pupils enrolled in the target schoolsBy constructing new classrooms in this project, at the time of the outline design, the number of pupils enrolled in the target school was expected to increase from the baseline of 26,880 in 2013 to 30,000 by 2019, three years after the completion of the project.
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER): Number of pupils enrolled in a given level of education, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the population in the theoretical age group for the same level of education; Total enrolment in primary / Population of that specific age group 6-12yrs) *100.
Number of pupils enrolled in high-school education (technological) and vocational education (schools of arts and crafts)Observation: The data presented, which exclude foreign pupils, refer to the pupils’ area of residence, and not to the location of schools.Source: National Institute of Statistics, 2003-2006.Table 4 .
Competencies and patient numbers also provide students with a transparent framework of clinical and academic benchmarks to work towards throughout their course.
If a GPI equals 1, this indicates parity between sexes; a GPI that varies between 0 and 1 means a disparity in favour of boys; a GPI > 1 indicates a disparity in favour of girls.GER: Gross enrolment ratio: Number of pupils enrolled in a given level of education, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the population in the relevant official age group.
School year Number of pupils enrolled Number of girls enrolled % girls 2006-2007 111,596 55,550 49.78 2007-2008 134,161 65,660 48.94 2008-2009 433,110 201,612 46.54 The Algerian State is dedicated to the development of preschool education and is actively continuing to expand the system, in cooperation with public institutions, local governments and other bodies, NGOs, and the private sector.