Examples of Number of Employees in a sentence
Business Structure: Sole Proprietorship Partnership Corporation Non-Profit Franchise Other (Specify) Total Number of Employees (including owners):Race/Ethnic Composition of Firm.
Total Number of Employees (including owners)Using numerical digits, enter the total number of individuals employed by thefirm regardless of location.
Number of Employees in this Position: Your Job Title for this Job Description: Minimum Rate: Maximum Rate: Actual/average rate where no range exists: Official Work Week (in hours): Number of Years/Months From Min.
Total Number of Employees: _ (office and labor staff) Average number of employees in your organization in the last 12 months: By submitting this proposal, I certify that I am qualified to provide the items and/or services outlined in this Request for Proposal.
Number of Employees 0-20 21-100 101-250 251-500 501 and higher 13.