Number of Employees definition

Number of Employees enter the total number of Employees in the employment category employed to provide services under the Contract during the report period, including part time Employees and Employees of subcontractors.
Number of Employees enter the total number of Employees in the employment category employed to provide services under the Contract during the report period, including part time Employees and Employees of subcontractors. Number of Hours: enter the total number of hours worked during the report period by the Employees in the employment category. Amount Payable under the Contract: enter the total amount paid by the State to the State Contractor under the Contract, for work by the Employees in the employment category, for services provided during the report period. SECURITY, CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRIVACY POLICIES AND LAWS
Number of Employees means the number of annual labour units (ALU), namely the number of persons employed full time in one year, part-time and seasonal work being ALU fractions;

Examples of Number of Employees in a sentence

  • Business Structure:  Sole Proprietorship  Partnership  Corporation  Non-Profit  Franchise Other (Specify) Total Number of Employees (including owners):Race/Ethnic Composition of Firm.

  • Total Number of Employees (including owners)Using numerical digits, enter the total number of individuals employed by thefirm regardless of location.

  • Number of Employees in this Position: Your Job Title for this Job Description: Minimum Rate: Maximum Rate: Actual/average rate where no range exists: Official Work Week (in hours): Number of Years/Months From Min.

  • Total Number of Employees: _ (office and labor staff) Average number of employees in your organization in the last 12 months: By submitting this proposal, I certify that I am qualified to provide the items and/or services outlined in this Request for Proposal.

  • Number of Employees 0-20 21-100 101-250 251-500 501 and higher 13.

More Definitions of Number of Employees

Number of Employees means the number of annual labour units (ALU), namely the numbers of persons employed full-time in one year; persons working part-time or employed in seasonal work are counted in ALU fractions;
Number of Employees means the number of employees assigned to occupy the camp cars.
Number of Employees means the number of employees as submitted on the Employer’s Oregon Quarterly Tax Report (Form OQ): Number of covered workers for Unemployment Insurance, in accordance with OAR 170-080-0015.
Number of Employees means that average employment of the concern, including domestic and foreign affiliate employees, based upon employment during each of the pay periods for the preceding com- pleted twelve calendar months.
Number of Employees means the number of employee records in the Software that do not have a terminated status, including full-time and part-time employees as well as any contingent labor or contractors, or any other individual in respect of whom information is being recorded in a Subscribed Module, and all administrators or other users who are accessing the Software or database relating to the Services (for the purposes of these Service Particulars, each shall be considered an “Employee”);
Number of Employees means the number of employees engaged at the place of business each regular working day during the preceding calendar year. In computing such number, each regular full-time employee shall be counted as one employee, and each part- time employee shall be counted as one employee.
Number of Employees means the number of annual working units (AWU), namely the number of persons employed full time in one year, part-time and seasonal work being AWU fractions;