Examples of Number of registrations in a sentence
Number of registrations under PDO, TSG, PGI Schemes (excluding wines and spirits); June 2013 Source: DOOR database Number of registered product names300 250 200TSG150PGIpartnership; strengths of market partners - mainly firms that can distribute the product and undertake its promotion; effective legal protection.
Student Scholarship One student$275 Total sponsorship price: $ Total exhibit price:$ Additional registrations: Number of registrations x $275$ Total promo table price:$ Total program ad price:$ In-kind donation:$ GRAND TOTAL $ 10.
Number of registrations are kept constant meaning that removed registrations with an actual delay are considered as zero values.Reductions are applied in four levels (20, 40, 60 and 80%) and varied separately for freight and passenger trains, resulting in 16 simulations.
TX – Complete list posted on pages 37-38 of this summaryVT – Number of registrations on record and renewals mailed (monthly); tracking of length, hull material, # of inboard / outboard, year, make, etc.
Times sitting an exam Number of registrations paid Terciles of the entrance grades’ distribution.
Number of registrations - x $ 405 = _ Basin Tour Registration = Double room occupancy.
The following features were calculated and created:- Number of registrations per lesson: These are the number of people registered for a specific class.
EXPECTED OUT PUT• Generate and document information on origin of community breeds of goats and sheep, history of the goats and sheep family regarding, origins, sizes, duration of a family in the herd, types of uses and quantity of uses of a family, reproductive limitations of the family and their influences on performance.• Generate and document information on values, norms and taboos governing community breeding stock.• Recommendations on management if any.
The PWDVA protects actions taken in good faith by Service Providers.Indicators of Success ● Increased referrals from courts to recognised services ● Number of registrations as service providers under the PWDVA An important barrier is the lack of recognition for service providers, with the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) not registering them under the PWDVA.
Number of registrations per P-CSCF: Number of simultaneous registrations a server can handle depends upon the CPU and processing power of the server.