Examples of NYSE Alternext in a sentence
The Fund commenced trading on the American Stock Exchange (which became the NYSE Alternext US LLC (the “NYSE Alternext”)) on January 5, 2007 and, as of November 25, 2008, is listed on the NYSE Arca, Inc.
In connection with the Merger, NYSE Amex’s predecessor, the Amex, a subsidiary of AMC, became a subsidiary of NYSE Euronext called NYSE Alternext US LLC (‘‘NYSE Alternext’’).
Our common stock and certain warrants are listed on the NYSE Amex (formerly the NYSE Alternext US or American Stock Exchange), a national securities exchange, which imposes continued listing requirements with respect to listed shares.
First, the acquirer is a US company listed on one of the major US Stock Exchanges (Nasdaq, New York, American, NYSE, Alternext, Pacific, and Boston) and has a market value of at least $1m, measured four weeks prior to the announcement of the bid.
Previously, the units were admitted to listing on NYSE Alternext, also in Amsterdam.
Such grace period would run from the date that the NYSE Alternext member organization transfers its equities operations to NYSE Alternext Trading Systems.
The exercise price of the warrants in each of the five years following the issuance of the warrants is determined as follows: warrants vesting in 2008 are exercisable at$1.21; warrants vesting in 2009 are exercisable at $2.25; warrants vesting in 2010 through 2012 are exercisable at a price equal to the greater of (i) the average closing price of the Company’s common stock on NYSE Alternext US exchange during the month of January each year or (ii) $3.00.
The financial year end date of the Company has been changed from 31 December to 31 March in order to align with the financial year end date with that of Emerson Radio Corp., a significant subsidiary of the Company whose shares are listed on the NYSE Alternext of the United States of America.
Our common stock is traded on the NYSE Alternext US under the symbol “FSI”.
In 2009, the Exchange changed its name from NYSE Alternext to NYSE Amex LLC (‘‘NYSE Amex’’).