Examples of Obvious in a sentence
Example of apparent clerical mistakes are: (1) Obvious misplacement of a decimal point or comma;(2) Obvious incorrect discount factor; or(3) Transcription error in Part Number.
Obvious mistakes will be given special consideration upon receipt of written request and full disclosure or evidence regarding pricing error.
Any gap arising as a result of invalidity or unenforceability of these Terms and Conditions is to be filled with a provision that corresponds to the meaning and intent of these Terms and Conditions and is in the interest of the parties.(2) Typing and calculation errors: Obvious typing and calculation errors or similar obvious errors in these Terms and Conditions entitle the Issuer to rescission vis-à-vis the Security Holders.
Obvious typing and calculation errors or similar obvious mistakes in these Terms and Conditions entitle the Issuer to a rescission vis-à-vis the Holders.
If it is determined that an Obvious Error has occurred, the Exchange shall take one of the actions listed below.