OCAAT Act definition
Examples of OCAAT Act in a sentence
Subject to the provisions of the OCAAT Act and section 7 below, the term of the appointment is for three years (September 1 to August 31).
In accordance with the OCAAT Act, the Board shall not approve a budget projecting an accumulated deficit without the written approval of the Minister responsible for administering the OCAAT Act.
By-Law No. 1 (General Matters) 17.01 In accordance with the OCAAT Act and the Policy Directive – Governance and Accountability Framework, the College hereby establishes an Advisory College Council, known as the President’s Advisory Council, the mandate, composition, membership and structure of which is established in Appendix 4 to this ByLaw.
In accordance with the OCAAT Act and Policy Directives, the Board shall prepare a strategic plan, an annual business plan and an annual report, including audited financial statements.
The Board shall compile KPIs and provide such indicators to the Minister in accordance with the OCAAT Act and Policy Directives.
The OCAAT Act provides that the College is bound by policy directives issued by the Minister in relation to the manner in which the College carries out its objects or conducts its affairs.
The College is subject to the provisions of the Corporations Act, except where limited by the OCAAT Act or the Policy Directives.
No External Governor shall be an employee or a student of a college of applied arts and technology as defined by the OCAAT Act.
In accordance with the OCAAT Act, the Board of Governors shall not approve a budget projecting an accumulated deficit without the written approval of the Minister responsible for administering the OCAAT Act.
The Governors shall consist of such persons as are from time to time elected or appointed Governors of the College in accordance with the provisions of these ByLaws and in accordance with the OCAAT Act.