Occasional definition

Occasional means infrequently or sporadically, including but not limited to care that is provided during summer or other holiday breaks when children are not attending school, but not to exceed 70 calendar days in a year.
Occasional means that care is provided for no more than 70 days in any calendar year.
Occasional means occurring from time to time, on an infrequent or irregular basis, with no particular pattern.

Examples of Occasional in a sentence

  • If such Occasional Teachers are on a priority list for long-term assignments and have been on a long-term occasional assignment for at least four (4) months, the Principal shall submit an evaluation to the Superintendent of Education -Human Resources.

  • This Occasional Teacher's name will be placed again at the, top of the Occasional Teacher List for the next assignment However- it will be the responsibility of that Occasional Teacher to advise the switchboard receptionist at the Board Office of the circumstance.

  • The list shall include the address and telephone number for each Occasional Teacher on the list.

  • Term Occasional Teacher shall mean any Occasional Teacher employed by the Board who has worked for a period of ten (10) or more consecutive teaching days as a replacement for a teacher.

  • If the evaluation is positive, the Occasional Teacher shall be placed on a priority hiring list Next consideration for these positions shall be first given to Occasional Teachers who have submitted such applications before outsiders, new graduates or anyone not on the Occasional Teacher List.

More Definitions of Occasional

Occasional means not being present on an ongoing basis in either one or different care locations;
Occasional means not being present on an ongoing basis in either one or different facilities;
Occasional or “occasionally” means not more than 3 days during any 12−month period.
Occasional on an ad hoc basis with no repeated or pre-determined structure, set of recipients or pattern, including in respect of frequency (e.g. monthly, weekly, quarterly etc.);
Occasional means not more than one day per week.
Occasional means done infrequently and irregularly;
Occasional means irregular or infrequent. "Incidental" shall mean occurring by chance or in isolation. If the job specifications for apposition requires contact with a minor on any basis, then the contact is neither "occasional" nor "incidental."