Examples of Ocean quahog in a sentence
Shellfish means the following species: Bay scallop (Argopecten irradians); Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis); Ocean quahog (Arctica islandica); Oyster (Crassostrea virginica); Quahog (Mercenaria mercenaria); Razor clam (Ensis directus); Sea clam (Spisula solidissima); Sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus); Soft shell clam (Mya arenaria).
Ocean quahog is known to occur in waters with salinity of 16 to 40 practical salinity units (PSU) and temperatures of 6 °C to 16 °C, although experiments have recorded tolerance of up to 20 °C for a limited period of time (Oeschger and Storey, 1993; OSPAR, 2009; Tyler-Walters and Sabatini, 2017).
Ocean quahog landings, quotas, and percent of quotas landed, 1980-2017.
Ocean quahog maximum quota ownership and maximum cage tag possession at the individual/business level, family level, and corporate officer level for various data tabulation models, 2016-2017.
Ocean quahog is designated as a species of conservation importance in English and Welsh waters and has been recorded from the Baltic, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and throughout the continental shelf of the North Atlantic (Witbaard and Bergman, 2003).
Ocean quahog landings per unit effort (bushels per hour) by ten-minute square (TMSQ), the finest scale location for landings reported in logbooks, for 2011-2013, and preliminary 2014.
The survey recorded a total of 410 infaunal and 39 epifaunal species, including the Ocean quahog (Arctica islandica), which is listed by OSPAR as threatened and declining.
Ocean quahog and surf clams landings were both reported by NMFS in the underlying data set as pounds of live weight (including shells), while all other species were reported as landed weight.
Ocean quahog can be damaged by abrasion caused by mobile fishing gear such as beam trawls and otter trawls, however the small footprint of anchored nets and lines on the seabed will likely lead to static gears having relatively low impacts on benthic communities (Roberts et al., 2010).An exception would be if these fishing gears are used in high densities in areas where the associated gear regularly drags across the seabed.
Ocean quahog live buried vertically in the top layers of sediment (soft sands and muddy sands).Ocean quahog may be just below the sediment surface or buried in up to 14 cm of sediment, with its siphons protruding from the sediment surface (Strahl et al., 2011).