ODRC definition

ODRC means the Owner-Driven Reconstruction Collaborative, a group of professionals and non-governmental organizations whose objective is to provide technical and social mobilization support to the Project Implementing Entity in the carrying out of Part A of the Project.
ODRC means Office of Dean Research and Consultancy.

Examples of ODRC in a sentence

  • The RFP and Proposal will be attached and incorporated into the standard ODRC Service Contract (see Attachment Five).

  • Additionally, ODRC may cancel this RFP, reject all the Proposals, and seek services through a new RFP or other means.

  • ODRC will reject late Proposals regardless of the cause for the delay.

  • A statement that the Offeror is not now, and will not become subject to an “unresolved” finding for recovery under ORC 9.24, prior to the award of a Contract arising out of this RFP, without notifying ODRC of such finding.

  • ODRC will conduct a computerized check through a national database and with applicable Ohio licensing agencies.

  • After the retention period, ODRC may return, destroy, or otherwise dispose of the Proposals and copies.

  • The Offeror should not include proprietary information in a Proposal because ODRC maintains the right to use any materials or ideas submitted without compensation to the Offeror.

  • Additionally, all Proposals will be open to the public after ODRC awards the Contract.

  • ODRC will retain all Proposals or a copy of them, as part of the contract file for the period of the contract and any subsequent renewals.

  • The board will perform any duty required of it by law and may perform any otherfunction authorized under the authority’s general powers under Iowa Code chapter 15.1.3(7) Committees.a. A due diligence committee is established to assist the board in making awards of incentives and assistance under the authority’s programs.

Related to ODRC

  • CMS means the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

  • IEA means the IEA currently in effect between the SSA and DHCS.

  • Mail order pharmacy means a pharmacy licensed by this

  • Pharmacy means prescribed drugs and medicines dispensed by a pharmacist and/or travel and allergy vaccines dispensed by a pharmacist or doctor.

  • ODA means "the Ohio department of aging."

  • PICB means Performance Improvement and Compliance Branch of the Ministry, or any other branch or organizational unit of the Ministry that may succeed or replace it.

  • SITC means the Standard International Trade Classification, Revision 3 (SITC, Rev. 3), published by the United Nations in Statistical Papers, Series M, No. 34/Rev. 3 (1986);

  • Preschooler means a child age two through four years old.

  • ATS means an alternative trading system, as defined in Rule 300(a)(1) of Regulation ATS under the Exchange Act.

  • ANI means automatic number identification.

  • Nuclear pharmacy means a pharmacy providing radio-pharmaceutical service.

  • CIPC means the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission, formerly known as CIPRO, the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office.

  • POPI means the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013, as amended from time to time, together with any regulations issued from time to time in terms thereof;

  • POS means point of sale.

  • SMS means short message service provided by your mobile service provider which:

  • LODR means the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

  • PPC means prior period coverage. PPC is the period of time, prior to the member’s enrollment, during which a member is eligible for covered services. The time-frame is the first day of the month of application or the first eligible month, whichever is later, until the day a member is enrolled with a contractor.

  • MSO means a cable operator who has been granted registration under rule 11 of the Cable Television Networks Rules, 1994 and who receives a programming service from a broadcaster and re-transmits the same or transmits his own programming service for simultaneous reception either by multiple subscribers directly or through one or more local cable operators;

  • PFI means the proprietary financial information as defined in RCW 43.371.010(12).

  • Homemaker services means the professionally directed or supervised simple household maintenance or management services provided by trained homemakers or individuals to families in their own homes.

  • Apple means Apple Inc., a California corporation with its principal place of business at Xxx Xxxxx Xxxx Xxx, Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx 00000, U.S.A.

  • EFTPOS means electronic funds transfer at the point of sale—a network for facilitating transactions at point of sale

  • EMR means the standard used for exchange of telecommunications message information among Local Exchange Carriers for billable, non-billable, sample, settlement, and study data. EMR format is contained in BR-010-200-010 XXXX Exchange Message Record, a Xxxx Communications Research, Inc. ("Bellcore") document that defines industry standards for Exchange Message Records.

  • Preschool means a program licensed to offer early childhood services, which follows a preschool curriculum and course of study designed primarily to enhance the educational development of the children enrolled and which serves no child for more than three hours per day.

  • Formulary means a list of covered prescription drugs provided under this plan. The formulary includes generic, preferred brand name, non-preferred brand name, and specialty prescription drugs.

  • GMS means the automated system, or its successor system, employed by SCE real time operations to remotely monitor and dispatch the Generating Facility.