TECHNICAL AND Sample Clauses

TECHNICAL AND. Article (Shift Premium), (Weekend Premium) and Article (Split Shifts). Part-time, Temporary and Casual Employees may replace a Full-time Employee on redefined regular hours of work in accordance with Article In such case, work in excess of seven point seven five (7.75) hours per day shall be regarded as overtime. Part-time and Temporary Employees shall accumulate sick leave benefits on the basis of one (1) day per each seventy-six (76)hours worked and are subject to Article 13:Sick Leave. Part-time, Temporary Part-time and Casual Employees shall be paid, in addition to their basic rate of pay, in lieu of vacation and named holidays: Ten point four percent (10.4%) per annum; Twelve point four percent (12.4%) per annum for Employees having completed more than one thousand, eight hundred and twenty-seven (1,827) hours; Fourteen point four percent (14.4%) per annum for Employees having completed more than twelve thousand, seven hundred and (12,789) hours; or Sixteen point four percent per annum Employees having completed more than twenty-seven thousand, four hundred and five (27,405)hours. Professional, Technical and Support Ten point four percent (10.4%) per annum; Twelve point four percent (12.4%) per annum for Employees having completed more than one thousand,, eight hundred and twenty-seven (1,827)hours; --Fourteen point four percent (14.4%) per annum for Employees having completed more than ten thousand, nine hundred and sixty-two (10,962)hours; or Sixteen point four percent (16.4%) per annum for Employees having completed more than twenty-five thousand, five hundred and seventy-eight (25,578)hours. Part-time Employees shall have scheduled time off without pay vacation subject to the provisions of Articles and 11.07; or they may choose to bank their vacation entitlement pay, to be paid out when vacation time is taken. Part-time and Temporary Employees shall be granted bereavement leave provided the consecutive working days are immediately following the death and are scheduled days. No payment will be made for any of those days on which an Employee is not scheduled to work. Part-time Employees shall be subject to Articles and Maternity and Leave. Leave of absence without pay may be granted to Part-time and Temporary Employees at the discretion of the Employer. Available hours in a specific work location shall first be offered to Part- time Employees before being offered to Casual Employees. Nursing Part-time and Temporary Employees may be granted special l...
TECHNICAL AND. ADMINISTRATIVE A design team of experienced architects and engineers familiar with this type of building will be assembled to create construction drawings, and to consult throughout the construction phase. All structures will be designed to meet the applicable seismic zone criteria. The Contractor will provide plumbing, mechanical, fire protection and electrical construction documents. Contractor may, at its option, utilize design/build subcontractors to prepare some of the design documents. The Architect, Structural Engineer and Civil Engineer will be providing errors and omission insurance coverage for their work in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in aggregate. General Contractor shall carry general liability insurance of $2,000,000 per occurrence and $5,000,000 umbrella coverage. Architect will control the distribution of all prints and maintain a record of such distribution. Architect to employ line-of-site analysis to assure wall parapets are tall enough to screen anticipated roof mounted equipment.
TECHNICAL ANDORGANIZATIONAL MEASURES The following sections define the current security measures established by SAP.
TECHNICAL ANDAn Employee who, at the request of the Employer is required to perform the major portion of the duties and responsibilities of a higher position shall be paid a premium of five (5) percent of her current salary in addition to her basic rate of pay. The request by the Employer will be designated in writing. An Employee who is assigned a student who is on a learning experience program, shall not be eligible to receive acting incumbency pay.
TECHNICAL AND organizational measures 1. The contractor undertakes to ensure the technical and organizational measures necessary to comply with the applicable data protection regulations. This especially includes the requirements of Article 32
TECHNICAL AND. In addition to the payment for being on-call, for each occasion on which an Employee on-call is called to duty, the Employee shall be paid twenty-five ($25.00) dollars or pay at their basic hourly rate of pay for the actual hours worked, whichever is the greater. The Employer will endeavour to ensure that Employees will not be placed “on-call” more than one (1) weekend in every three (3) week period unless mutually agreed between the Employer and Employee.
TECHNICAL AND. PHARMACEUTICAL RESPONSIBILITIES The technical and pharmaceutical responsibilities, of each Radius and Xxxxxx Pharma, respectively, with respect to the quality of the Product are as listed and set forth in Appendix 5. Radius and Xxxxxx Pharma shall each, respectively, appoint contact persons, as listed in Appendix 4, for Manufacture and Product quality related matters. Radius shall be responsible for the Regulatory Approvals whereas Xxxxxx Pharma shall have obtained and maintained the manufacturing authorization with respect to the Facility.
TECHNICAL AND. Article (Shift Premium) and (Weekend Premium). Part-time, Temporary and Casual Employees may replace a Full-time Employee on redefined regular hours of work in accordance with Article In such case, work in excess of seven point seven five (7.75) hours per day shall be regarded as overtime. Part-time and Temporary Employees shall accumulate sick leave benefits on the basis of one (1) day per each seventy-six (76) hours worked and are subject to Article 13: Sick Leave. Part-time, Temporary Part-time and Casual Employees shall be paid, in addition to their basic rate of pay, in lieu of vacation and named holidays:
TECHNICAL AND. ORGANIZATIONAL MEASURES Настоящее Приложение 2 содержит две группы технических и организационных мер (“TOM”): • Группа TOM 1 (последнее обновление в Апреле 2018, без изменений): применяется ко всем Облачным услугам, за исключением услуг, к которым применима Группа ТОМ 2. • Группа TOM 2: применяется только к Услугам Группы ТОМ 2. На 1 июля 2020, “Услуги Группы ТОМ 2” включают следующие Облачные услуги: SAP Analytics Cloud. Время от времени SAP вправе исключать Облачные услуги из переченя Услуг Группы ТОМ 2. В этом случае к таким Облачным услугам будут применяться Группа ТОМ 1. Группа TOM 1 Последнее обновление: Апрель 2018 1. ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ И ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННЫЕ МЕРЫ The following sections define SAP’s current technical and organizational measures. SAP may change these at any time without notice so long as it maintains a comparable or better level of security. Individual measures may be replaced by new measures that serve the same purpose without diminishing the security level protecting Personal Data. В следующих разделах определяются текущие технические и организационные меры SAP. SAP может менять эти меры в любой момент без уведомления при условии обеспечения аналогичного или более высокого уровня безопасности. Индивидуальные мероприятия могут быть заменены новыми мерами, если они служат той же цели и не уменьшают уровень безопасности Персональных данных.