Examples of Office of State Administrative Hearings in a sentence
NAME: ______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ FAX#__________________________________________________________________ The Office of State Administrative Hearings will notify you of the time, place and date of your hearing.
Purpose: To update the rules of the Office of State Administrative Hearings for ease of reading.
Invited workshop, Administrative Law Judges, Office of State Administrative Hearings, Athens, GA.
The State Office of State Administrative Hearings (OSAH) will conduct a hearing.
Purpose: To update the rules of the Office of State Administrative Hearings for clarification and for ease of reading.
The Official Assessment may be appealed either under the Administrative Procedure Act (via the Office of State Administrative Hearings) or through the Superior Court in the licensee’s county of residence.
This bill expands the authority of the Office of State Administrative Hearings, and results in changes to the process of granting individuals Fair Hearings.
Moore appealed the November 2006 assessment to the Office of State Administrative Hearings.
The Office of State Administrative Hearings will notify you of the time, place and date of your hearing.
Purpose: To update the rules of the Office of State Administrative Hearings for purposes of ease of reading and for clarification.