Examples of Oil Code in a sentence
However, the regulations and competencies expressed in the Oil Code and the Association Contract still apply to the activities of exploration, exploitation and production of natural gas and, therefore, those activities are outside the scope of the CREG.
In the event that ESMA determines that the Article 31 and 32 passports shall be available to the Company during its offering period, the Company may avail of such passport in accordance with the requirements of AIFMD.
The approval by the Minister of a pipeline project, as indicated in Article 39 of the Oil Code, may not be refused, if the project complies with the current regulations and makes it possible to ensure the transport of the products extracted under the best possible technical, economical and environmental conditions.
The above-mentioned goods shall be imported by the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of Article 49 of the Oil Code.
The net profits derived by the Contractor from all of its Oil Operations in the territory of the Republic of Senegal as defined in the General Tax Code, unless otherwise stated in the Oil Code, are subject to a tax on corporations of twenty-five percent (25 %) calculated on the said net profits.
We are unable to provide meaningful comments on the effectiveness of the Oil Code dispute resolution process, as we are not familiar with the practical operation of that process.Importantly, in the case of the new motor vehicle distributors there is an established and regular pathway to discussion with dealers through the national dealer councils.
The termination provisions in the Franchising Code (and also Oil Code) follow the format of similar legislation around the world.
Whilst most of the special circumstances mirror the Franchising Code, the Oil Code provides suppliers with the ability to terminate a fuel re-selling agreement on the basis that there has been a breach of a provision of the fuel re-selling agreement at least three times.
Notwithstanding our view that the termination provisions contained in the Franchising Code are adequate, the Oil Code does contain operational advantages, specifically relating to special circumstances whereby a supplier is not required to provide a retailer (in the Oil Code context) with the right to remedy a breach before proceeding to a termination.
A former version of the Franchising Code also had a similar requirements to Oil Code Annexure 3 items 1.8 & 1.11 , however it was removed because there was feedback from the sector that franchisee-vendors were rarely complying and providing that document to buyers.