Open dumping definition
Open dumping means the following:
Open dumping means the depositing of solid wastes on the surface of the ground or into a body or stream of water.
Open dumping means the depositing of solid wastes into a body or stream of water or onto the surface of the ground at a site that is not licensed as a solid waste facility under section 3734.05 of the Revised Code or, if the solid wastes consist of scrap tires, as a scrap tire collection, storage, monocell, monofill, or recovery facility under section 3734.81 of the Revised Code; the depositing of solid wastes that consist of scrap tires onto the surface of the ground at a site or in a manner not specifically identified in divisions (C)(2) to (5), (7), or (10) of section 3734.85 of the Revised Code; the depositing of untreated infectious wastes into a body or stream of water or onto the surface of the ground; or the depositing of treated infectious wastes into a body or stream of water or onto the surface of the ground at a site that is not licensed as a solid waste facility under section 3734.05 of the Revised Code.
Examples of Open dumping in a sentence
Open dumping of untreated or inappropriately treated HCW within or outside hospital premises is one of the main causes of such contamination.
Open dumping continues in 7327 ULBs, which means that practically 92% of the ULBs are dumping its MSW in open area.
Open dumping is still well-thought-out as the most popular method of solid waste disposal.
Open dumping of waste also creates an unpleasant view and leads to emission of mal odour.
Open dumping is a complex environmental threat which is often widespread in rural regions across the developing countries due to the lack of formal waste management services.
More Definitions of Open dumping
Open dumping means the disposal of solid waste at any solid waste disposal area or facility which is not permitted by the secretary under the authority of K.S.A. 65-3407, and amendments thereto, or the disposal of solid waste contrary to rules and regulations adopted pursuant to K.S.A. 65-3406, and amendments thereto.
Open dumping means any unpermitted solid waste disposal activity.
Open dumping means the depositing of solid waste on the surface of the ground or into a body or stream of water.
Open dumping means any unpermitted disposal or landfilling activity except as specifically exempted by regulation.
Open dumping means any unpermitted or unregistered solid waste disposal or land filling activity.
Open dumping means the consolidation of refuse from one or more sources at a disposal site that does not fulfill the requirements of a sanitary landfill.
Open dumping means the acts defined in Ohio Administrative Code Rule 3745-27- 01(O)(4).