Bumping definition
Bumping is defined as the displacement of a faculty member in another department, program or service area, by a member with more seniority within the Association bargaining unit.
Bumping or "Bump" shall mean:
Bumping is when an employee who is laid off exercises their right to take a position in a lower rank from an employee with less Classification seniority.
Examples of Bumping in a sentence
Bumping within the Instructor group cannot occur after the commencement of a program.
More Definitions of Bumping
Bumping occurs when the number of qualifying officers exceeds the number of available Permanent Light Duty positions. The criteria for bumping shall be as follows:
Bumping means the process by which a more senior qualified employee whose position has been reduced, may displace a less (the least) senior employee and claim the position.
Bumping of a part-time instructor by a full-time faculty member shall not remove a part-time instructor from the eligibility list and shall not affect the accumulated sick leave of the part-time instructor.
Bumping to achieve this end is not required. “Bumping” is defined as the interruption of an operation already under way in order to substitute another category of worker.
Bumping shall be defined as “the displacement of another employee with less Child Nutrition seniority except that Civil Service seniority prevails over Child Nutrition seniority for cooks.”
Bumping means that a shipper with a higher priority transportation service level will displace previously scheduled volumes of a lower priority transportation service level.
Bumping. Rights: An Employee affected by a reduction in force has “bumping” rights as set forth in MOU Section 14.G. Recall: Laid off Employees retain the right to recall in inverse order of layoff for a period of twelve (12) months. (MOU §14.F and J.)