Solid waste disposal definition

Solid waste disposal means the storage, treatment, utilization,
Solid waste disposal. – means the practice of disposing of solid waste, including placing, depositing, dumping, or throwing, or causing any solid waste to be placed, deposited, dumped, or thrown.
Solid waste disposal means the storage, treatment, utilization, processing or final disposal of solid waste.

Examples of Solid waste disposal in a sentence

  • Solid waste disposal consisting of two waste baskets and an outside trash container of sufficient size to accommodate a weekly provided pick-up service.

  • Junk yard/dump Pig/chicken farm Salvage yard Processing plants Wastewater treatment facility Industrial Distribution facilities (all) Airports Electrical utility substations Liquor Store Prisons Solid waste disposal Adult entertainment/video/ Bar, Club or Lounge Theater Total Negative Points *The Market Study for every project must include a separate section that evidences whether the Project satisfies the positive points listed or incurs the negative points listed above.

  • The by-law or ordinance may allow one or more of the bills for the following municipal utility charges or fees to be included with property tax bills:• Water use.• Sewer use.• Solid waste disposal or collection.• Gas.• Electricity.• Other municipal utility.

  • Solid waste disposal off-site must comply with most stringent local, State, and Federal requirements including 40 CFR 241, 40 CFR 243, and 40 CFR 258.

  • The permittee must post signs at the facility, which are clearly visible and legible, providing the following information:• Facility name;• Emergency telephone number;• Days and hours of operation;• Authorized and prohibited wastes;• Solid waste disposal site permit number;• Operator’s address.

More Definitions of Solid waste disposal

Solid waste disposal means the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping or placing of any solid waste into or on any land or water. This term does not include the transportation, stor- age or treatment of solid waste.
Solid waste disposal means the process of permanently or indefinitely placing, confining, compacting, or covering solid waste.
Solid waste disposal means the final stage in solid waste management system;
Solid waste disposal means the process of placing, confining, compacting or covering solid waste except when such solid waste is for reuse, removal, reclamation, or salvage.
Solid waste disposal means the act or process of disposing of rubbish and garbage.
Solid waste disposal means the storage, treatment, utilization, processing or final disposition of solid waste as described in N.J.A.C. 7:26-1.6 or the storage of unsecured materials as described in N.J.A.C. 7:13-2.3 for a period of greater than 6 months as specified in N.J.A.C. 7:26 which have been discharged, deposited, injected, dumped, spilled, leaked, or placed into any land or water such that such solid waste may enter the environment or be emitted into the air or discharged into any waters, including ground waters.
Solid waste disposal means the collection, temporary storage, and processing of Solid Waste.