Operations Year definition

Operations Year means a twelve month period beginning at 12:00 am on an anniversary of the Commercial Operations Date and ending at 11:59 pm on the day immediately preceding the next anniversary of the Commercial Operations Date, provided that the first Operations Year shall begin on the Commercial Operations Date.
Operations Year means October 1 through September 30 of each year.
Operations Year means January 1 through December 31 annually.

Examples of Operations Year in a sentence

  • Without limitation, it will be unreasonable for the Commonwealth to reject the Draft PR Cure Plan if it: is prepared in accordance with the requirements of this agreement; and demonstrates how Project Operator will ensure that the relevant Performance Requirements (Minimum) will be achieved as soon as reasonably practicable (including a reasonable period for contingency) in the following Operations Year.

  • In the three month period commencing on the last Quarterly Date of each Operations Year, Project Operator must conduct a Storage Capacity test in accordance with this section 5.4. Project Operator must use reasonable endeavours to undertake the Storage Capacity test at a time that is likely to maximise revenue.

  • Measurement and validation At the end of each Operations Year, Project Operator must calculate the Equivalent Availability Factor (expressed as a percentage) of the Project in accordance with the first formula set out in paragraph 8.11 of IEEE 762-2006, provided that: a reference to “generation” is taken to be a reference to “export capability”; and a reference to “generating unit” is taken to be the Project.

  • At the end of each Operations Year, Project Operator must measure, test and calculate the performance of the Project in respect of each of the Performance Requirements for that Operations Year.

More Definitions of Operations Year

Operations Year means each 12-month period beginning on the Commercial Operation Date of each System and each anniversary thereof.
Operations Year means May 1 through April 30 of each year.
Operations Year means a twelve month period beginning at 12:00 am on an anniversary of the Commercial Operation Date and ending at 11:59 pm on the day immediately preceding the next anniversary of the Commercial Operation Date, provided that the first Operations Year shall begin on the Commercial Operation Date.
Operations Year means July 1 through June 30.
Operations Year means: for the first Operations Year, the period commencing on the first day after the Commercial Operations Date until the next 30 June; subject to paragraph (c), each subsequent Financial Year; and for the final Operations Year, the period from the end of the last full Financial Year (as identified in paragraph (b) of this definition) to the end of the Term. Opt-Out Year means each: Financial Year (if any) for which an Annual Floor, Annual Ceiling and Annual Payment Cap of “Nil” or “zero” is specified in items 18 to 20 of the Reference Details respectively; and Operations Year of each Opt-Out Period the subject of an Option exercised under clause 14.2. Option has the meaning given in clause 14.2.
Operations Year means March 1 through February 28 or 29 of each year.
Operations Year means a [NUMBER OF MONTHS 6] period beginning at [START TIME] on an anniversary of the Commercial Operations Date and ending at [END TIME] on the day immediately preceding the next anniversary of the Commercial Operations Date, provided that the first Operations Year shall begin on the Commercial Operations Date.