Operative Plan definition
Examples of Operative Plan in a sentence
However, the Operative Plan caters for operational systems in response to all possible civil defence emergencies including earthquake, fire, hazardous substances, volcanic eruption and subsidence.
The zoning of the site and surrounding sites is shown on Appendix 7. Under the Operative Plan development for residential purposes would likely be a non- complying activity, the most onerous activity status for a resource consent application. The land is currently used for grazing.
Figure 1: Location of 31 Curley Avenue, Silverdale The Operative Plan maps identify the site upper part of the site as Residential (Landscape Protection) and the lower part as Retail Service Zone (the same as the Pak n Save site across the river).The Draft Unitary Plan zoned the upper part of the site Single House Zone, and the lower part of the site Town Centre.
In the Operative Plan, if the activity is not specifically listed as a permitted, controlled, discretionary or prohibited activity it is considered to be a permitted activity, provided that it complies with the development controls.
Following an individual approach for identifying knowledge, skills and qualifications that the persons have, persons will be then referred to appropriate programs from the Operative Plan for active programs and measures for employment and labour market services.”However, data on the number of unemployed Roma from the SEs is questionable given the fact that not all Roma regularly report to the Employment Service Agency.
Resolves the confusion that exists in the Operative Plan where any community activity occurring in schools is considered under an alternative zoning, not a schools zoning, which also implies that the rules of that other zoning (eg residential) including Built Form Standards, apply.
The objective would have been useful to provide context for the rule on the matter contained in the Operative Plan , but is doubly relevant now since the Canterbury earthquakes have led to greatly accelerated change in the education sector and made it much more likely that some education sites will be disposed of.
Submission 3061/102 states that Rural 2 (western landscape) is opposed in its entirety and should be replaced with land unit 21 or 22 from the Operative Plan or merged with replacement for Rural 1 (rural amenity).
The court must accept as true those facts alleged by Burkett, construe the evidence in favor of Burkett, and resolve all doubts against Dr. Pulos.
As discussed in the sign off document, the Operative Plan rules and policies are not deemed to be comparable to the approach taken in the PNRP, given the rules are for point source discharges rather than holistic management of a stormwater network.