Original debtor means, except as used in section 9310(3), a person that, as debtor, entered into a security agreement to which a new debtor has become bound under section 9203(4).
Original debtor means a person that, as debtor, entered
Original debtor means a person that, as debtor, entered into a security agreement to which a new debtor has become bound under section 400.9-203(d);
Examples of Original debtor in a sentence
XML Tag: <OrgnlDbtrAcct>Occurence: [0..1]Definition: Original debtor account that has been modified.
There is an action plan in place that seeks to make improvements to marine licensing but there is a lack of prioritisation of the large number of action items and a somewhat unclear line of accountability, without which the action plan will be challenging to deliver.• There can be a blurring of the lines between marine licensing and advisory roles.
More Definitions of Original debtor
Original debtor means a person that, as debtor, entered into a security agreement to which a new debtor has become bound under subsection (d) of Section 1-9-203 of this title.
Original debtor means the person who [signed] [entered into] the security agreement to which the new debtor has become bound.
Original debtor means a person that, as debtor, entered into a security
Original debtor means an Original Borrower or an Original Guarantor.
Original debtor means, except as used in subsection 3 of NRS 104.9310, a person that, as debtor, entered into a security agreement to which a new debtor has become bound under subsection 4 of NRS 104.9203. (hhh) "Payment intangible" means a general intangible under which the
Original debtor means a person that, as debtor, entered into a security agreement to which a new debtor has become bound.
Original debtor means a perso n that, as debtor, entered into a security agreement to which a new debtor has become bound under § 47-9-203(d).